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Майк Бикл признал прошлые «нравственные ошибки», но не сексуальные злоупотребления
Основатель Международного дома молитвы впервые высказался по этой теме, а организация начала независимое расследование.
Most US Christians Back Israel’s ‘Bold Measures’ to Combat Hamas
But they still want to see civilian casualties minimized, negotiations, and political solutions for lasting peace, according to a new survey.
This Christmas, Let’s Remember Jesus’ Maternal Lineage
The book of Ruth’s narrative reminds us that God’s salvation is not simply accomplished through “heroic” men, but that women, too, play a vital role.
My Top 5 Books for Christians on Daoism
Where to start when navigating the diffuse and complex tradition of thought and religious practice dating back to the very beginnings of Chinese civilization.
O Tread and See that the Lord Is Good
Advent wreaths, labyrinths, and the Stations of the Cross help me grasp the gospel anew.
A Conservative Evangelical Defense of Disney
Its progressive turn is real. But its most beloved films are surprisingly compatible with many aspects of a Christian worldview.
작아지는 것의 유익
쇠하는 시기에 하나님을 신뢰하는 방법.
Благость умаления
Как доверять Богу в период умаления.
Mike Bickle, fundador de Casa de Oración Internacional, es acusado de abuso sexual
Exlíderes de Casa de Oración Internacional exponen lo que según ellos son acusaciones creíbles de varias mujeres que formaron parte del ministerio en el pasado.
Dutch Election: Right-Wing Surge Sinks Once-Dominant Christian Parties
Trump-like figure Geert Wilders campaigns on traditional identity and anti-Muslim rhetoric, dividing believers as society secularizes further.
Viral JesusEpisode 102|40min
Mike Planeta: Faith, Sex, and ‘The Bachelorette’
A former reality-TV contestant on the challenge of being a Christlike influencer on an often shaky national stage.
Mike Bickle confessa ter cometido “falhas morais” no passado, mas nega acusações de abuso sexual
O fundador da Casa Internacional de Oração se pronuncia pela primeira vez; ao mesmo tempo, o ministério promove uma investigação independente.
Adven untuk Hati yang Berduka
Pengharapan akan pertemuan kembali menolong kita bertahan hingga saat ini
Kita Lupa bahwa Kita adalah Milik Tuhan
Balsam penyembuh untuk menemukan jati diri kita yang sebenarnya

Top Story July 26, 2024

Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
The public square is increasingly hostile to religion. But don’t be surprised when Olympic athletes overflow with thanks to God.

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