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Le pouvoir formateur de la honte
La honte selon Dieu ouvre nos cœurs à l’œuvre transformatrice de l’Esprit.
Died: Stuart Epperson, Who Put Preachers and Political Talk on the Nation’s Radio Waves
The cofounder of Salem Media Group built an “empire of influence” broadcasting religious and political conservatives.
Les chrétiens homosexuels comme moi sont un atout, pas une menace.
Les croyants attirés par les personnes du même sexe expérimentent chaque jour le coût de la vie de disciple. Notre témoignage devrait être entendu.
Evangelical Colleges Will Continue to Pursue Diversity Without Affirmative Action
A Supreme Court ruling against race-based admissions won’t change much for Christian liberal arts schools.
Pro-Life Dispute Leaves Program for HIV/AIDS Patients in Peril
A negative score from groups accusing PEPFAR of supporting abortion threatens the program’s five-year renewal.
The Bulletin Episode 33|1 hr 5min
Shrewd as Serpents, Innocent as Doves
The Russia-Ukraine conflict, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and country singer Jason Aldean’s latest controversial hit.
인터뷰: 팀 켈러가 말하는 “결혼의 의미”
팀 켈러 목사가 성 역할이 변화하고 있다고 말하는 이유와 교회가 효과적으로 결혼을 장려하는 수 있는 방법
Legal Advocates Eye Next Big Victory for Religious Liberty
After a string of victories at the Supreme Court, focus turns to one major precedent that could be overturned.
What Happens When Both Sides Secularize
The antidote to cultural Christianity on the Left and Right is true Anglicanism and Pentecostalism.
Чи задоволений Бог нашим поклонінням?
З точки зору Амоса, це залежить від того, чи вимагає Бог, якому ми поклоняємося, справедливості.
Доволен ли Бог нашим поклонением?
С точки зрения Амоса, это зависит от того, требует ли Бог, которому мы поклоняемся, справедливости.
‘The Chosen’ Will Film Through Hollywood Strike with Indie Show Exemption
The crowdfunded show received approval writers’ and actors’ unions to wrap on Season 4.
Why Mercy Triumphs over Judgment
As Christians, our righteous anger at sin must never surpass our compassion for sinners.
Canada Incarcerated Her Japanese Neighbors, So She Moved with Them
Sunday school teacher Margaret Ridgway's wartime ministry had a significant impact on the next generation of missionaries and pastors.
Chamadas para algo muito maior do que uma Barbie
Por que meninas e mulheres desejariam se ver representadas por uma boneca de plástico?

Top Story July 30, 2024

In Asian American Churches, Generational Differences Deter Young Leaders
In Asian American Churches, Generational Differences Deter Young Leaders
Survey: Majority Asian churches are half as likely to have leaders under 30.

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