
The Power and Peril of Spiritual ‘Evolution’ Stories
They can encourage people on similar journeys. They can also misconstrue one’s own.
What Singleness Reveals about the World to Come
Unmarried Christians can live as signposts of the new creation.
Love, Joy, and Peace Are a Package Deal
Don’t ignore their ordering in Paul’s passage on the fruit of the Spirit.
The Evangelical Temptation to Prove Ourselves
Christians must deny the urge to posture, which comes from a place of insecurity.
Water, Water Everywhere: How Christians View Thailand’s Water Festival
During Songkran, Christians find parallels in honoring their elders but point to the living water.
Making Haste Slowly in Our Walk With God
In these hurried times, Christians are called to a steady journey of faith.
The Bible Does Everything Critical Theory Does, but Better
Scripture offers a deeper analysis of modern society than modern society could give itself.
Asian American Theologian: Our ‘Culture’ Is Not to Blame
When it comes to the community’s response to trauma and anxiety, Daniel D. Lee calls for a closer look at the dynamics of racism and the migrant experience.
Jesus Christ Is Not a Superstar
Popular portrayals of the God-Man can draw admiring crowds, but they can’t create imitating disciples.
In Nashville, Death Hangs Over Our Doorways
But our community also feels covered by the shadow of God’s presence.
In Times of Tragedy, I Find Solace in Scriptural Art
As the world reels from yet another school shooting, we can find a refuge in the Bible on canvas.
Why Jesus’ Resurrection Is So Important to Palestinian Christians in Israel
The dawning of a new kingdom heralds hope for reconciliation and relief from oppression.
Sissy Goff: After Another Shooting, Let Your Kids Ask Questions
Christian parents need to be prepared, more than ever, to discuss this difficult topic with our children.
The Bible Is Literature. It’s Also Your Boss.
We owe to Scripture something we don’t owe any other book: our obedience.
What Christ Accomplished Before ‘It Is Finished’
Don’t diminish Jesus’ ministry in your celebration of his work on the cross.
Is Karma a ‘Relaxing Thought’? For Many Buddhists, It’s Not.
The real-life impact of believing the law of cause and effect.
This Palm Sunday, Ponder Donkeys, Not Branches
For his entry into Jerusalem, Jesus picked a symbol of lowliness rather than military might.
After Nashville, Moral Numbness Is Our Enemy
Shootings have become normal to the American public. But as Christians, we know better.
Resisting the Impulse of Self-Optimization
In Lent, we realign our identity in Christ and recover our sense of being loved into existence by our Creator.
Go Ahead. Argue with God Over the Nashville Shooting.
In the face of tragedy, Christ welcomes our confusion and anger.

Top Story July 29, 2024

What Wrestling Taught an Olympic Gold Medalist About God
What Wrestling Taught an Olympic Gold Medalist About God
As he prepares for the Paris Olympics, wrestler Kyle Snyder talks about how faith helped him loosen up and love his teammates.

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