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المسيحيون في باكستان يخشون الزواج القسري. حكم محكمة البنجاب يجلب أملًا جديدًا
يدرس زعماء الكنيسة وخبراء حقوق الإنسان ما إذا كان رفع السن القانونية كافيا لحماية القاصرين.
여성을 정의하는 것은 여성성이 아닌 인간성에서 시작된다
‘두 번째 성’에 대한 논쟁은 우리를 생물학, 겸손, 그리고 창세기 1장으로 돌아가게 한다.
Le débat entre culture africaine et christianisme a été marqué par Kwame Bediako
Sept responsables chrétiens se penchent sur l’héritage persistant du théologien ghanéen décédé il y a seize ans.
The Bulletin Episode 86
Love’s in Need of Love Today
GOP responses to the Trump verdict, D-Day celebrations, and famine in Sudan.
I’ve Preached the Gospel Countless Times. The Love of the Amish Preached It to Me.
An excerpt on grief, forgiveness, and the gospel from Beechdale Road: Where Mercy Is More Powerful Than Murder.
Southern Baptists, Outsiders Hear Our Confessions Too
Baptist confessions have long drawn attention beyond the church. The proposal on male pastors will too.
Southern Baptist Digital Hymnal Gets Saved
Worship leaders convince curriculum company of the value of lifewayworship.com.
Evangelicals Don’t Love Donald Trump Enough
Christians who wave away the former president’s sexual immorality may be the most anti-Trump constituency of all.
Wafat: Jürgen Moltmann, Teolog Pengharapan
Seorang tentara Jerman yang dijumpai Kristus di kamp tawanan perang, kemudian ia menjadi seorang cendekiawan Kristen terkenal yang mengajarkan bahwa “Tuhan menangis bersama kita agar suatu hari nanti kita dapat tertawa bersama-Nya.”
Indian Christians Relieved as Election Results Limit Hindu Nationalists
With Modi’s BJP denied an outright majority in parliament, church leaders credit prayer movements and hope the restoration of coalition politics will protect religious minorities.
逝世:盼望神学家于尔根·莫特曼(Jürgen Moltmann)
Parcours de vie : Jürgen Moltmann, théologien de l’espérance
« Dieu pleure avec nous pour que nous puissions un jour rire avec lui. » C’est dans un camp de prisonniers que Christ avait rencontré ce célèbre théologien en devenir.
Falleció Jürgen Moltmann, teólogo de la esperanza
Un soldado alemán encontrado por Cristo en un campo de prisioneros de guerra se convirtió en el renombrado erudito cristiano que enseñó que «Dios llora con nosotros para que algún día podamos reír con Él».
Morre Jürgen Moltmann, o teólogo da esperança
Após se converter a Cristo em um campo de prisioneiros de guerra, ele tornou-se um renomado estudioso cristão e ensinou que “Deus chora conosco para que um dia possamos rir com ele”.
Viral JesusEpisode 124|29min
Gary Lawrence: Understanding Our Rejection Patterns
Heather and Gary discuss how our childhood rejection patterns impact our adult lives.
Doubting Thomas: Why the Evangelical Crush on Aquinas Needs to Mature
Thomism is experiencing a renaissance in theology, but there’s a reason it’s controversial.
Ban the Mob, Not the Bible
Christians are the victims of hate in some places and the targets of hate speech laws in others. How can believers advocate for nations to address both threats in a consistent, principled way?
Many Southern Baptist Women Care More About Calling Than What They’re Called
As the SBC debates restrictions around titles and roles, female leaders continue their work in women’s ministry in their local churches.
逝世:盼望神學家于爾根·莫特曼(Jürgen Moltmann)
Hay una gran confusión moral en torno a la condena de Donald Trump
Tanto entre los antagonistas como entre los admiradores del expresidente, muchos llaman al mal bien y al bien mal.

Top Story July 2, 2024

Another Kanakuk Abuse Survivor Sues Camp for Fraud
Another Kanakuk Abuse Survivor Sues Camp for Fraud
Twenty years after a trusted counselor used faith to groom him for abuse, a Colorado man says he is trying to reclaim part of his life and take a stand for fellow victims.

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