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As More Brazilian Pop Stars Praise God with Their Lips, Does It Matter If Hearts Are Far?
Gospel music is soaring in popularity in Brazil, leading artists with little Christian background to release worship songs and pastors to mull motives.
Mad Max Does Genesis
Furiosa begins with a retelling of the biblical Fall. After its apocalypse comes something new.
Pastors Will Try to Spare South Africa’s Tense Elections from Violence
Oscar Siwali is mobilizing conflict mediators as the country goes to the polls. He only wishes his organization could train more.
What I Would Change After 30 Years of Marriage
I should have invited Ruth to our wedding—to acknowledge how much our ordinary moments point to the story of Christ.
Les chrétiens peuvent agir contre la pollution plastique
Une communauté du Honduras ouvre la voie à la collecte locale des déchets et prie pour un traité international sur les plastiques.
Forrest Frank está fazendo a música cristã mais vibrante da Internet
Com hits alegres e colaborações com outros cantores cristãos, ele está conquistando os ouvintes mais jovens nas redes sociais.
Iranian Christians Contemplate God’s Justice after President’s Death in Crash
Believers in the diaspora reference Daniel and the “writing on the wall” as many mull if helicopter accident portends more changes to come.
In Succor and Silence
On praying past the end of silver linings to a God who often does not answer as I hope.
Viral JesusEpisode 122|43min
The Church Behind Bars Is Alive and Well
Heather and Heather Rice Minus discuss prison ministry.
In ‘3 Body Problem,’ Our Days Are Numbered
The Netflix adaptation of an acclaimed Chinese sci-fi series is anxious about time. Christians don’t have to be.
What Believers Can and Can’t Affirm in Those Who Affirm Same-Sex Marriage
Rebecca McLaughlin takes care to filter their legitimate claims from their flawed assumptions.
서구 교회를 넘어선 성 역할
스콧 W. 선퀴스트는 미국 교회에 전 세계 교회론의 다양성을 관찰할 것을 촉구합니다.
Died: Marshall Allen, Christian Muckraker Who Held the Health Care Industry Accountable
His reporting was marked by a cheerful determination to uncover truth, which friends and coworkers attributed to his faith.
Anglican Bishop Removed as Clergy Call for Transparency in Investigation
While the ACNA hasn’t offered public updates on a trial for Stewart Ruch’s abuse response, Todd Atkinson, a bishop appointed to assist him, has been deposed over inappropriate relationships.

Top Story July 22, 2024

Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
International undergraduates were part of many schools’ plans for sustainability. A new government rule changes that.

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