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You Can Love Rap, Jesus, and the Color Pink
The first female artist on Lecrae’s label, Wande talks to CT about being a woman in Christian hip-hop and how the genre can be an entry point for learning gospel truths.
After Roe’s Reversal, Most Churches Still Aren’t Involved with a Local Pregnancy Center
Over two years of new state-level restrictions, younger Christians, Hispanics, and megachurch attendees are more likely to say their congregation supports their community’s alternative to abortion clinics.
Being HumanEpisode 23|36min
Community, Honor and Shame, and Self Definition with Grace Liu and Cory Elisabeth
Thoughts on boundaries and honor-shame culture from the founders of a coaching and counseling service in Indonesia.
La negligencia es un pecado mortal
La Biblia condena los descuidos y las imprudencias que perjudican a otros. Y abundan.
Biarlah Lautan Bangkit dan Memberi Makan Orang Miskin
Membantu berkembangnya keanekaragaman hayati laut adalah salah satu cara untuk berpartisipasi dalam pekerjaan Tuhan, kata seorang teolog Indonesia.
Para Tokoh Alkitab Tidak Pernah Mengatakan 'Maafkan Saya'
Jika mereka tidak “meminta maaf” dalam pengertian modern, hal itu disebabkan karena Alkitab mempunyai kosakata yang lebih kaya mengenai pertobatan.
Бавінк попереджав, що без християнства розквітнуть расизм та націоналізм
Голландський теолог стверджував, що біблійний світогляд має фундаментальну несумісність із етноцентризмом.
Бавинк предупреждал, что без христианства будут процветать расизм и национализм
Голландский теолог утверждал, что библейское мировоззрение имеет фундаментальную несовместимость с этноцентризмом.
The Bulletin Episode 88
Broken Halos
Robert Morris’s abuse, rising nationalism in Europe, and summer reading suggestions.
Three Evangelical ‘Founding Fathers’ and Their Complicated Relationships to Slavery
A new book steers between full condemnation and “men of their time” dodges.
‘Going for the Jugular’ Does Not Wash Away Sin
Why the life and death of disgraced culture warrior Paul Pressler should serve as a warning to all of us.
Como ser um influenciador digno de ser chamado cristão
Quem bajula e flerta com valores seculares não merece exercer influência sobre a igreja.
Les pasteurs doivent aussi fixer des limites
Quelques stratégies pour introduire des rythmes sains dans une culture d’église dysfonctionnelle.
Le charisme et ses nécessaires compagnons
Les mouvements ecclésiaux ont besoin de leaders attirants. Mais les meilleurs responsables ont besoin de plus que de charme.
씨름해 볼 가치가 있는 경이로움
예배의 중심에 하나님을 두는 방법.
Viral JesusEpisode 126|39min
Natalie Boonstra Lilly: Dealing with Insecurity
Heather and Natalie talk about Natalie’s Madelung diagnosis and how she dealt with insecurity.

Top Story July 17, 2024

A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
In these fractured times, we want to focus on Jesus’ call to chase after his will.

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