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IHOP (國際禱告殿) 創辦人畢邁可 (Mike Bickle) 面臨性侵指控
堪薩斯國際禱告殿 (IHOPKC) 的前領袖們提出一系列他們認為可信的指控,涉及數十年間受害的多位女性。
International House of Prayer Founder Mike Bickle Accused of Sexual Abuse
Former IHOPKC leaders bring forward what they say are credible allegations from several women over decades of ministry.
Argentina da el siguiente paso para honrar a los evangélicos oficialmente. Ellos quieren más.
Los protestantes agradecen las celebraciones del Día de la Reforma y se preguntan si algún día obtendrán igualdad religiosa.
Argentina Takes Next Step in Officially Honoring Evangelicals. They Want More.
Protestants are grateful for Reformation Day celebrations—and wonder if they'll ever get religious equality.
Palestinian Evangelicals Call Western Church to Repentance, Criticized in Return
Middle East Christians assert their rejection of violence as they relate frustration with lack of Western recognition of the reality of occupation and the collateral damage of bombing campaigns.
Antisemitik Şiddet ve Utanç Verici Savunusu
Hristiyan savaşın hem Filistinli hem de İsrailli tarafı konusunda duyarlı olmalıdır. Bunun anlamı da Yahudi nefretini aktif bir şekilde reddetmektir.
Meet the Christian Love Expert Giving Filipinos Hope About Dating
Pastor Ronald Molmisa set out to write “Lovestruck” for high school students with love woes. Now it’s a nine-book series and a parachurch ministry.
Be Afraid Episode 4|52min
This Is as Close to Hell as I Ever Wanna Get
It’s hard to be skeptical when you’re so incredibly scared.
Abuse Survivors ‘Disgusted’ by Southern Baptist Court Brief
Lawyers for multiple SBC entities argued against third-party liability under Kentucky’s new statute of limitations.
O “doisladismo” em relação ao Hamas é uma falha moral
Israelenses e palestinos são igualmente amados por Deus. Mas não há ambiguidade moral sobre a maldade genocida do Hamas.
A violência antissemita e sua defesa vergonhosa
Os cristãos devem cuidar das vítimas da guerra — tanto das israelenses quanto das palestinas — e isso significa rejeitar ativamente o ódio ao povo judeu.
The Bulletin Episode 49
There’s Someone on The Wing!
Why we love scary movies, a new Speaker takes his seat, and women need a raise.
How to Get Through 2024
Christians can’t know what’s waiting for us next year. But we can know what kind of people we hope to be when we get there.
Church of England Advances Plans to Bless but Not Affirm Same-Sex Couples
UPDATE: After Synod vote, services will soon be available on a trial basis.
Evangelical Mike Johnson ‘Raised Up’ as House Speaker
After weeks of jockeying in Congress, Republicans voted in the Bible-quoting Louisiana Southern Baptist.
Viral JesusEpisode 90|45min
Scot McKnight: Rereading Revelation
The New Testament scholar wants to help us see the Book of Revelation for what it really is—a call to radical discipleship.
Religious Freedom Commission Laments Israel-Hamas War at Anniversary Gathering
As the International Religious Freedom Act turns 25, advocates look ahead to next steps.

Top Story July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris Against History
Kamala Harris Against History
The candidate's "unburdened by what has been" and "coconut tree" lines push her party toward a troubling partisan divide over the past itself.

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