
World Weary in the Garden of Gethsemane
We must put to death the idea that we were ever the ones in control.
The Ever-Present Memento Mori
How to remember that we must die on Ash Wednesday.
Dying to the Indispensable Self
Perhaps we need to hear Jesus’ words as a command to deny our default ways of valuing and measuring the self.
Descending the Summit of Success
How often do we make regular choices that uplift a worldly narrative of success?
My Last Supper with the Family of God
In response to our weakness, Christ serves us his final meal.
Exiles All the Way Home
We all yearn for the miraculous movement from wilderness to safety, and exile to belonging.
A Waste of Time, a Work of Love
The dawn of Easter reminds us that what the world might see as a waste can actually be a wonder.
Alive Upon Arrival
Jesus, when he rose from the grave, was mistaken for a gardener. It is my favorite story.
The Sobriety of Forever
During Easter, considering your death will lead you to bright horizons.
Supernatural Signs Alone Cannot Save
As “The Chosen” reminds us, Jesus performed many miracles—and yet still some failed to believe.
Wang Yi: The Faithfully Disobedient Chinese Pastor
A new book records the reflections on church and state in China by the imprisoned pastor and other house church leaders.
The Struggles of Men Are a Problem for Everyone
From school and work to fatherhood and friendship, we need a vision of manhood that both sexes can celebrate.
Sometimes, God’s Provision Is Prozac
My battle with postpartum anxiety challenged the limits I’d placed on how God can heal us.
Is God a Woman or a Man?
Two recent books discuss how our conception of gender relates to our perception of God.
Job’s Wife Urged Him to ‘Curse God and Die.’ Caregivers Get It.
It’s not necessary to condone her exhortations to curse God. But we should seek to understand them.
‘For I Was Hungry’: The Verse Brazil’s Evangelicals Can Never Forget
Will we be remembered for our political aspirations or for feeding the famished?
We Shudder at Abraham Sacrificing Isaac. But We Have Our Own Altars.
We may flinch at seeing the revered patriarch nearly end his own son’s life. But what do we miss when viewing this story through contemporary eyes?
Joseph Forgave His Estranged Brothers. So Can You?
His response to his treacherous siblings invites us to reevaluate similar relationships in our lives.
Hagar’s Unhappiness Helps Me Parent Fragile Kids
From an enslaved Old Testament woman's trials, I learn to raise the “strawberry generation.”
Read the Winners of Christianity Today’s Second International Essay Contest
Wisdom, perspective, and theological understanding from Spanish, Portuguese, French, Chinese, and Indonesian writers.

Top Story July 30, 2024

Nigerian Church Watches, Prays as Ocean Rises
Nigerian Church Watches, Prays as Ocean Rises
Ayetoro was founded to be a city on a hill. Now it’s facing a watery apocalypse.

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