
Qi Gong: A Form of Exercise or a Doorway into the Spiritual World?
Christian leaders from mainland China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore weigh in on the ancient Chinese practice—which includes tai chi—and its physical and divine connotations.
Remembering Abouna Samaan, Creator of Cairo’s Cave Church
US evangelical leaders and thousands of Copts honor an Orthodox priest whose mountain complex chiseled the glory of God into Egypt’s “Garbage City.”
A Puritan’s Guide to Quieting Our ‘Inner Atheist’
Even the most spiritual people can struggle with doubts about God. But how do they overcome them?
Meet the Christian Love Expert Giving Filipinos Hope About Dating
Pastor Ronald Molmisa set out to write “Lovestruck” for high school students with love woes. Now it’s a nine-book series and a parachurch ministry.
How to Get Through 2024
Christians can’t know what’s waiting for us next year. But we can know what kind of people we hope to be when we get there.
Religious Freedom Commission Laments Israel-Hamas War at Anniversary Gathering
As the International Religious Freedom Act turns 25, advocates look ahead to next steps.
When Media Becomes the ‘Prince of the Power of the Air’
Breaking free from disinformation and systemic oppression entails discipling a nation.
We Must Put Our Body Where Our Mouth Is
The path to restoring Christian credibility is paved with embodied action, not empty words.
Blessed Are the Thrifty?
Jesus’ teachings challenge how we spend when money is tight.
Dying to Our Selfies
We’ll never see the glory of God if we look only to our own brand.
One Christian’s Quest to Change the Way We See Immigration
Equipped with Scripture, history, and a defunct restaurant on the southern border, Sami DiPasquale hopes he can soften politics-hardened hearts.
Our Divided Age Needs More Talk of Enemies
This sounds counterintuitive. But there are biblical and cultural reasons for believing it.
I Was a Disenchanted Deadhead Who Found Christ on a Greyhound Bus
When I fled the hippie scene, I never imagined how God’s Word would speak to me on board.
Mystics, Monastics, and the Moderns Who Need Them
Medieval Christianity holds up a helpful mirror to the contemporary church.
There Is an Edge to Living on the Edge
My outsider experiences have only strengthened my confidence in God’s goodness and sovereignty.
Secular Figures Are Giving Faith a Second Look
A surprising number are expressing unmet longings for beauty, truth, and meaning.
The Law Can’t Always ‘Love’ You
Compassionate enforcement has its place. But the state’s role is to bear the sword.
I Stumbled in the Steps of the Good Samaritan
When we picture ourselves as heroes, we often forget our humanity.
Why Prison Ministries Are Growing
Adaptations for COVID-19 are helping Christians reach incarcerated people, with eager cooperation from government officials.
How True Crime Can Create a False Reality
Criminal dramas are becoming more popular today, but at what cost to a Christian’s conscience?

Top Story July 28, 2024

A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
Fifty years ago, the Lausanne Covenant’s solution to rampant division in evangelical ranks wasn’t uniformity.

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