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Mary Was More Than a Mother
Treating her as a static figure obscures a lifetime of gospel witness.
Keep Complaining to God. Just Don’t Ignore Him.
Even our angriest accusations are preferable to indifference.
The Faith and Work Movement Is Leaving Blue-Collar Workers Behind
Can it speak to evangelicals outside high-status professions?
Glimpses of the Kingdom
We look, with yearning and joy, toward that long-awaited dawn.
Pharaoh, Did You Know?
How the shepherds upended Egyptian power.
Wedding Fire Devastates Christian Community in Iraq
And other brief news stories from Christians around the world.
What Evangelical Scholars Found Looking at a Tiny Piece of Papyrus
From a dump in Egypt to a criminal case in Oxford to a seminary in Texas, this fragmentary record of faith traveled a strange path.
Let There Be Dark
Deep darkness only magnifies what it is to gaze upon the Light of the World.
Put Away Childish Narcissism
How to out-parent the prevailing cultural mantra of “me, right now.”
Joseph Was Jesus’ ‘Real Dad’
I don’t need a biological bond to be the father of the embryos my wife and I adopted.
Intelligent Responses to AI Concerns
And other replies to our October issue.
16 اتحادًا إنجيليًا تنادي بوقف إطلاق النار في غزة وتدين حماس
البيان الصادر عن الاتحادات الإقليمية والوطنية الداعية إلى ”السلام العادل” يتعمق بشكل كتابي اكثر من نداءات إنسانية مماثلة اخرى.
Viral JesusEpisode 97|9min
From Petition to Praise
What happens to our worship when we start with gratitude?
Maybe Your Women’s Ministry Needs More Crafts, Not Less
Many biblical characters, including Jesus himself, worked with their hands. Why shouldn’t we?
Думки американських євангельських християн щодо України розділилися
Кандидати від Республіканської партії пропонують потенційним виборцям взаємовиключні аргументи.
Мнения американских евангельских христиан по Украине разделились
Кандидаты от Республиканской партии предлагают потенциальным избирателям взаимоисключающие доводы.
Mientras Erdoğan se muestra provocador con respecto a Gaza, los cristianos turcos prefieren la paz
En medio del centenario de la república secular, Erdoğan inaugura una nueva e importante iglesia. Los cristianos locales analizan la postura de esta sociedad musulmana sobre Palestina.
American Christians and the Anti-American Temptation
Christians can love America—with all of its flaws and failures—precisely because we don’t expect it to be the kingdom of God.
As Philippines’ Drug War Rolls On, Christians Continue Their Work
Duterte tried a hardline policy. Marcos is prioritizing rehab. Christians point to Jesus.
The Bulletin Episode 55|52min
Not on Our Watch
Laws restrict pornography access, the Supreme Court codifies its ethics, and pro-life advocates look for what’s next.

Top Story July 26, 2024

Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
The public square is increasingly hostile to religion. But don’t be surprised when Olympic athletes overflow with thanks to God.

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