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Сукурс и тишина
О молитве в трудных ситуациях к Богу, который часто отвечает не так, как я надеюсь.
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”
You Abused and Oppressed Me, Dad. I Forgive You.
How a community’s example of radical forgiveness helped me relinquish my own rage.
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.
The Bulletin Episode 87|46min
Gimme Shelter
Biden’s asylum order, intentional community, and the criminalization of clergy sexual misconduct.
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.
Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Abortion Pill Challenge
Pro-life doctors had argued the drug isn’t safe. Now Christians are looking for other ways to engage on the issue.
El inesperado libro de la Biblia que más me reconforta
En mi ansiedad, leer el Apocalipsis me recuerda el infinito poder de Dios.
Sim, Paulo realmente ensinou a submissão mútua
Por que a interpretação que Wayne Grudem faz de Efésios 5.21 é insustentável?
Viral JesusEpisode 125|42min
Drew Dyck: Just Show Up
Heather and Drew discuss why small changes can be more impactful for big, bold moves.
3 Ways I’ve Learned to Support China’s Christians Better as an American Pastor
Don’t let political rivalry define our perspectives of each other.
A Writer’s Creative Calling Isn’t Found in the Middle of a Crowd
Award-winning author E. Lily Yu speaks about her faith, her deep love of language, and the perils of “moving with the majority.”
영화 '시빌 워'에서 보는 것은 우리가 잊으려고 하는 것이다
이 새로운 디스토피아 영화는 시청자들에게 우리가 목격하는 것이 중요한 것이 아니라 어떻게 목격하는지가 중요하다는 것을 일깨워준다.
CT Summer Sale 24
Know the news and ideas shaping your world
Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.

Top Story July 8, 2024

Modern Secularism Makes No Sense Without Christianity
Modern Secularism Makes No Sense Without Christianity
A new book argues that early Protestant thinking helped fuel an anti-supernatural worldview. But that worldview retains more Protestantism than it cares to admit.

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