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I Don’t Want My Son to Inherit the Sins of His Mother
My worries for my child’s physical health shouldn’t surpass my concern for his spiritual well-being.
Confined to Dirty, Low-Wage Jobs, Pakistani Christians Still Face Persecution and Poverty
Decades ago, converts thought the country would be a refuge from the caste system. Today, they are subject to discrimination, including stricter blasphemy laws.
Elisabeth Elliot fue una figura imperfecta a la que Dios utilizó de forma extraordinaria
La viuda del famoso cristiano martirizado en Ecuador dejó un legado tanto inspirador como controvertido.
Two Congregations Force LGBT Debate on Evangelical Covenant Church
UPDATE: One church has left voluntarily and another voted out over human sexuality.
Paid Content
Paid Content for He Gets Us
Maximizing the Potential of the Big-C Church
How the outreach approach of He Gets Us and Gloo will revolutionize church growth.
The Young Christian Who Took Johnson & Johnson to Court
Hanna Wilt testified to God’s presence in a terminal diagnosis while pursuing a case against the pharmaceutical giant over its baby powder.
Jesus já te decepcionou?
É no mundo real que declarações como “não seja feita a minha vontade, mas a tua” têm um significado poderoso.
Adolescentes transgêneros, os pronomes e os nomes que preferem: pastores de jovens lidam com novas perguntas
Nas igrejas evangélicas, a Geração Z está forçando uma discussão sobre a hospitalidade aos LGBT.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 61|49min
How Bodies Believe with David Taylor
The professor, priest, and author speaks to the role of the body in worship.
Minha igreja, minhas regras
Como essa noção moderna da autoconcepção do indivíduo transforma a comunidade cristã em uma identidade pessoal.
L’enseignement théologique au défi de la croissance de l’Église mondiale
Comment mettre en lien les diverses formations théologiques et les rendre plus accessibles ?
Pourquoi y a-t-il tant de théologiens en colère ?
La théologie devrait produire le fruit de l’Esprit, pas les œuvres de la chair.
El movimiento más diverso de la historia
El cristianismo ha sido un movimiento multicultural, multirracial y multiétnico desde sus inicios.
팀 켈러는 세계 교회로부터 배우기를 원했다. 심지어 세속화된 유럽으로부터도.
개혁주의 목사가 유럽의 기독교인들에게서 발견한 것들이 그곳의 교회 개척자들의 존경을 받게 된 이유이기도 하다.
Philippians Is Full of Pithy Sayings. The Chinese Bible Tells Me So.
Phrases like “rejoice in the Lord” and “to live is Christ” in Mandarin reveal the wisdom of Paul’s exhortations.
Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church Leaves the SBC
The megachurch, known for its popular Elevation Music, has voluntarily withdrawn two weeks after the recent Southern Baptist annual meeting.
Les chrétiens posent des questions sur Dieu à ChatGPT. Que penser de ces conversations ?
Des experts du monde entier réfléchissent aux conséquences de la révolution de l’IA pour les croyants sur et en dehors d’Internet.
After 140 Years, Alliance University Will Close
Formerly Nyack College, the school was in bad financial shape for several years. The loss of accreditation earlier this week forced a reckoning.

Top Story July 31, 2024

In Asian American Churches, Generational Differences Deter Young Leaders
In Asian American Churches, Generational Differences Deter Young Leaders
Survey: Majority Asian churches are half as likely to have leaders under 30.

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