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Has Christian Psychology Lost Its Place at Southern Seminary?
(UPDATED) President Albert Mohler speaks to CT about the controversy over a longtime professor’s departure.
Died: Haddon Robinson, Champion of Biblical Preaching
The seminarian who taught and inspired decades of expositors ‘goes home to God.’
From Kuyper to Keller: Why Princeton’s Prize Controversy Is So Ironic
A former winner explains how the seminary honor that once brought the Reformed community together is now splitting it.
It Doesn't Pay to Go on Maternity Leave at Most Evangelical Seminaries
On Christian campuses, unofficial flexibility is more common than extra benefits for new parents.
Why Being a Woman in Seminary Is Worth the Work
It's not always easy to get there, but the blogosphere needs more of us.
Largest For-Profit Christian College to Open Seminary This Fall
Grand Canyon University recently failed to take itself off the market.
The CallingEpisode 8|46min
J.D. Greear and the Long Obedience of Waiting
When you're stuck in a holding pattern, can you still heed God's call?
A Better Way to Be Evangelical
"You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."
Dispatches from the Wondrous, Terrifying World of Bible Scholarship
Why studying Scripture professionally can bring great joy—but also great pain.
Why Being a Pastor-Scholar Is Nearly Impossible
Three tensions of combining pastoral and academic work.
Tough Love for the Black Church
Thabiti Anyabwile, a Reformed pastor in Washington, D.C., offers celebration, critique, and hope for revival.
A New School Year Starts, and Many Seminarians Are Staying Put
More students are choosing schools for geographical convenience rather than theological affinity, says seminary president.
Augustines for the 21st Century
The church needs more pastors who write and preach top-notch theology.
Died: Samuel Hugh Moffett, 98, Leading Expert in East Asia Christianity
Global Christian mission should pivot to Asia's 4.4 billion people, Moffett said.
What Happens When We See Women Teach the Bible
A figure like Beth Moore shows evangelical women what’s possible.
Can You See Too Much Jesus in the Bible?
Why one seminary thinks so and is sending an Old Testament scholar into early retirement.
Evangelical Seminary Explains Why It Enrolled First Muslim Student
(UPDATED) Unusual decision draws scrutiny at one of largest Southern Baptist schools.
Died: Glen H. Stassen, Baptist Ethicist Who Pioneered 'Just Peacemaking'
Fuller Seminary professor 'transformed the old conversation between just war theorists and pacifists.' Also rethought Sermon on the Mount and 'incarnational discipleship.'
Controversy over Seminary Speaker Invite Tempered by Student's Death
Attempt at demonstrating Anglican unity to Katharine Jefferts Schori instead prompts resignations.
How Should Churches and Seminaries Respond to Immigrant Pastors Who Minister in the US Illegally?
Three views on foreign-born preachers in the pulpit.

Top Story June 26, 2024

Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
For all their faults, our marriage rituals present family and promise-keeping as beautiful, desirable, and worth the effort.

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