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5 Ways Nonbelievers Are Drawn to God Without Knowing It
How the Bible’s doctrine of humanity gives us hope for reaching even the hardest of hearts.
‘The Chosen One Will Make His Home in Your Heart’
The First Nations Version of Ephesians 3-4:16.
¿Por qué algunas personas piensan que Jesús era racista?
Toman su conversación con la mujer sirofenicia como referencia, pero la historia muestra lo contrario de lo que afirman.
«Purificaos»: Jesús y el mundo de la impureza ritual
Estos mandamientos bíblicos precisamente nos recuerdan el significado de nuestros cuerpos.
Remembering Richard N. Longenecker, Scholar Who Rethought Judaism and the Apostle Paul
He never forgot that when he was studying the New Testament, he was studying Holy Scripture.
Why Do Some People Think Jesus Was a Racist?
They point to his dialogue with the Syrophoenician woman. But the story shows the opposite of what they claim.
The Bible Doesn’t Come with Instructions. But We Still Need Guidance to Handle It Well.
Michael Bird offers a trusty primer on reading and understanding God’s Word.
Why I Stopped Calling Parts of the Bible ‘Boring’
Scripture is a door and a feast if you ask the right questions.
Saudara-saudara, Kita Bukan Manajer
Kita telah melupakan bahasa yang kaya dari Alkitab untuk mengasihi gereja.
‘Be Clean’: Jesus and the World of Ritual Impurity
These biblical commands rightly remind us about the significance of our bodies.
Five Ways Biblical Geography Shapes Our View of God’s Mission
Tracing the terrain of Scripture’s stories shows us how God works in our physical world.
Tim Keller : l'espoir d'un monde meilleur commence par la résurrection
Quatre raisons pour lesquelles le christianisme permet une confiance sans égale en une histoire orientée vers un avenir positif.
Tim Keller: Hope for a Better World Starts with the Resurrection
Four reasons Christianity offers unparalleled confidence that history is headed somewhere good.
Jesus Was the God-Man, Not the God-Superman
His moments of doubt and temptation attest that we can follow him through our own.
Hide It Under a Bushel? Maybe.
Take it from the “secret disciples” who buried Jesus: Sometimes it’s prudent to stay mum about your faith.
Why the Bible Makes a Big Deal about Horns
Hannah, Zechariah, and the psalmists have good reasons for speaking of them so reverently.
Russell Moore: Real Christian Courage Looks like Elijah at His Most Pathetic
My caution to those who “stand for truth” by calling down “fire from heaven” upon its enemies.
The Story of Barabbas Is No Mere Prisoner Swap
Much more was at stake than a criminal’s fate or a crowd’s preference.
What the Heavens Declared to a Young Astronomer
How I learned that the same God who numbered the stars knew and loved me personally.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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