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Parcours de vie : Jürgen Moltmann, théologien de l’espérance
« Dieu pleure avec nous pour que nous puissions un jour rire avec lui. » C’est dans un camp de prisonniers que Christ avait rencontré ce célèbre théologien en devenir.
Falleció Jürgen Moltmann, teólogo de la esperanza
Un soldado alemán encontrado por Cristo en un campo de prisioneros de guerra se convirtió en el renombrado erudito cristiano que enseñó que «Dios llora con nosotros para que algún día podamos reír con Él».
Morre Jürgen Moltmann, o teólogo da esperança
Após se converter a Cristo em um campo de prisioneiros de guerra, ele tornou-se um renomado estudioso cristão e ensinou que “Deus chora conosco para que um dia possamos rir com ele”.
Many Southern Baptist Women Care More About Calling Than What They’re Called
As the SBC debates restrictions around titles and roles, female leaders continue their work in women’s ministry in their local churches.
O número de pessoas que cuidam de idosos só aumenta; elas precisam de apoio espiritual
Seja por vocação, seja pela circunstância, milhares de adultos estão sentindo o peso e o custo de cuidar de parentes idosos.
Died: Jürgen Moltmann, Theologian of Hope
A German soldier found by Christ in a prisoner of war camp, he became a renowned Christian scholar who taught that “God weeps with us so that we may someday laugh with him.”
For Sale: Christian Ministry Headquarters
Evangelical organizations including Wycliffe, CT, and Lifeway are giving up their buildings and developing new models for remote work.
Francis Collins’s New Project: Eliminate Hepatitis C
The Christian doctor and researcher sees a “moral imperative” in destroying a curable fatal illness. Other countries are on track to erase it, but not the United States.
‘The Chosen’ é hoje o programa de TV mais traduzido do mundo
A série sobre Jesus está disponível em 50 idiomas, e há planos para traduzi-la em mais 550.
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.
포르토프랭스에서 미국인 선교사 사망
아이티에서 갱단의 공격으로 3명이 사망하고 집 한 채가 불에 타는 가운데 국제군의 투입이 또다시 지연되고 있다.
Guilty Verdict Shakes Trump Supporters’ Faith—in the Justice System
Many white evangelicals don’t trust the felony conviction and still back the former president.
Died: Lin Chih-Ping, Taiwan’s ‘Fool for Life’ Who Shared ‘Cosmic Light’ Through Eclectic Ministry
The entrepreneur and social services leader had a unique vision for sharing the gospel and reaching people holistically.
Died: Sam Butcher, Artist Who Created Precious Moments
His porcelain figurines sold millions while he built a church inspired by the Sistine Chapel.
المسيحيون الإيرانيون يتأملون في عدالة الله بعد مقتل الرئيس في الحادث
يقتبس المؤمنون في الشتات سفر دانيال و"الكتابة على الحائط" بينما يتساءل الكثيرون فيما إذا كان حادث المروحية ينذر بمزيد من التغييرات القادمة.
중국의 남부 침례교 중에서도 여성들이 목사직을 계속 유지하고 있다
지도자들은 “역사와 언어 때문에” 교회들이 비정규적인 목사들과 여성들에게도 그 용어를 사용한다고 말한다.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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