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古德恩(Wayne Grudem)改变他对家暴离婚的看法
古德恩 (Wayne Grudem) 改變他對家暴離婚的看法
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그리스도인들이 파괴적인 관계에서 겪는 고통과 경건한 파트너십에서 자기희생적으로 행동하는 것을 구별할 방법.
Oui, on peut mettre fin à un mariage abusif.
Les chrétiens ont à faire une différence entre don de soi et maintien d’une relation destructrice.
Sim, você pode pôr fim em um casamento abusivo
Como os cristãos podem diferenciar o sofrer em um relacionamento destrutivo do agir sacrificialmente em uma parceria entre duas pessoas que temem a Deus.
Yes, You Can End an Abusive Marriage
How Christians can differentiate suffering in a destructive relationship from acting self-sacrificially in a godly partnership.
Wayne Grudem muda de ideia sobre o divórcio em casos de abuso
Um importante teólogo complementarista diz que não acredita mais que a Bíblia oferece apenas duas razões justificáveis para terminar um casamento.
Wayne Grudem cambió de opinión sobre el divorcio en casos de abuso
Uno de los principales teólogos complementarios dice que ya no cree que la Biblia ofrezca solo dos razones justificables para terminar un matrimonio.
We Stand With You: A Prayer for Survivors of Violence and Abuse
La violence domestique nuit à des milliers de brésiliennes. L’Église empire-t-elle leur situation ?
Malgré de bonnes intentions, de nombreux pasteurs et responsables d’Église ne contribuent pas à la sécurité des victimes.
Divorciarse de un cónyuge abusivo no es pecado
No solo está moralmente justificado, sino que coincide con lo que Cristo anhela para los más vulnerables.
Divorcing an Abusive Spouse Is Not a Sin
Not only is it morally justified, it also aligns with Christ’s heart for the vulnerable.
How Churches can be Better Equipped to Help Survivors of Domestic Violence
Between isolation due to Covid, recent news of Gabby Pettito’s life, and the popular Netflix series, “Maid,” awareness of domestic violence is increasing. How is the Church responding?
Domestic Violence Harms Thousands of Brazilian Women. Is the Church Making It Worse?
Despite their good intentions, pastors and church leaders aren’t helping victims find safety.
A violência doméstica afeta milhares de mulheres brasileiras. A igreja está contribuindo para piorar o problema?
Apesar de suas boas intenções, pastores e líderes da igreja não estão ajudando as vítimas a encontrarem segurança.
Ministries Face the Real Trafficking Crisis During COVID-19
Desperation and isolation put vulnerable populations at risk.
Quick To ListenEpisode 189|46min
Wayne Grudem Tells Us Why He Changed His Divorce Position
What the complementarian theologian learned after an in-depth study of this New Testament verse.
Wayne Grudem Changes Mind About Divorce in Cases of Abuse
Leading complementarian theologian says he no longer believes the Bible offers only two justifiable reasons for ending a marriage.

Top Story May 3, 2024

‘Wildcat’ Is as Unsettling as Flannery O’Connor Would Have Wanted
‘Wildcat’ Is as Unsettling as Flannery O’Connor Would Have Wanted
Ethan Hawke has made a movie as scandalous as one of the writer’s short stories.

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