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Top 10 Posts of the Last 30 Days
If you didn't catch them the first time, here are the most popular posts from August.
What the TNIV Means for Evangelical Women
To see it go won't mean that much, actually.
Harvard for Homeschoolers?
A gallery of photos from Patrick Henry College.
The Persecuted Rifqa Bary?
Christians rally support for a 17-year-old believer who says her Muslim parents have threatened to kill her. Should they believe her?
Top 10 Most Popular Posts, July
A round-up of the most popular posts of the last 30 days.
Pants-Wearing Woman Challenges Sudan's Decency Law
Lubna Hussein says she'll take 40,000 whippings if it will change her government's human rights policies.
Where Does Francis Collins Stand on Stem-Cell Research?
The question is more pressing now that he is heading the National Institutes of Health.
Top 10 Most Popular Posts, v. 3
A round-up of the most popular posts of the last 30 days.
Women's Ordination: A Crack in the Cathedral?
Female bishops outlawed, female priests tacitly allowed at last week's Anglican gathering in Bedford, Texas.
Supreme Court Rules Girl's Strip Search Unconstitutional
Lone female justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg spoke up for the 13-year-old who had to undress before school officials in 2003.
NY Women to Bank on Donating Eggs for Research
The state's Stem Cell Board agreed last week to compensate women who donate their eggs for research purposes.
Schuller's Eldest Daughter to Lead Crystal Cathedral
Sheila Schuller Coleman to become her father's 'legs' in new role.
Top 10 Most Popular Posts, v. 2
What you clicked on the most during the second month of Her.meneutics.
Media Lukewarm on Laodicean's Meaning
Last night's spelling bee champ rattled off the word with ease, but media today haven't yet connected the Greek adjective to the Bible.
Fossil Ida Touted as Evolution's 'Missing Link'
Some paleontologists are dismissing the fossil's close connection to humans.
Q+A: Kaffie McCullough on Craigslist
A top advocate for stopping child prostitution is skeptical about Craigslist's decision to pull its 'erotic services' ads.
Women Benefit from Health-Care Overhaul
The failing industry says it will stop charging women at higher premium rates than it charges men.
Miss CA Becomes Ad Spokeswoman for Traditional Marriage
Meanwhile, two pageant directors say they paid for Prejean's breast implants weeks before Miss USA.
Elizabeth Lev Defends Mom's Decision to Turn Down Notre Dame
She may be a bit biased, but her response is still spot-on.
Websites to help you rediscover the beauty of planet Earth this spring.