Welcome back to Her.meneutics after what was hopefully a restful Labor Day weekend for you and yours! If you didn't catch them the first time, here's a round-up of the most popular posts from August. In the month ahead, look for an interview with Keri Wyatt Kent, author most recently of Simple Compassion, a post from Christine Scheller on debates about male circumcision (about which Christine says she "knows more than she ever wanted to know"), and, in light of news in Florida and Quebec, discussion about how and to what extent parents can shape their children's religious beliefs.

(10) "Teaching an Old Dogfighter New Tricks," by Laura Leonard // Comments: 8
Michael Vick appears truly repentant. Can we forgive him?

(9) "Deciphering the Pennsylvania Gym Shooting," by Ruth Moon // Comments: 21
What George Sodini's journal reveals about women and violence.

(8) "Half the Sky: A Must-Read Book," by Carolyn McCulley, guest blogger // Comments: 6
The fight for women's dignity worldwide, the 'cause of our time,' needs Christians now more than ever.

(7) " Juanita Bynum Returns to Conference Stage," by Alicia Cohn // Comments: 8
Self-declared prophetess emerges after domestic abuse court case and TV circuit.

(6) "What the TNIV Means for Evangelical Women," by Katelyn Beaty // Comments: 22
To see it go won't mean that much, actually.

(5) "Breast-feeding Dolls: Cute or Creepy?" by Elrena Evans // Comments: 17
I'm pretty ambivalent about Bebe Gloton, the world's first electronically nursing doll.

(4) "Jenny Sanford Offers Forgiveness After Husband's Affair," by Sarah Pulliam // Comments: 27
In her first post-affair interview, Mark Sanford's wife tells Vogue about learning of her husband's infidelity—and offering forgiveness.

And now for the top 3 …

(3) "Girl Dumps God," by Laura Leonard // Comments: 11
Carlene Bauer's memoir recounts her de-conversion from Christianity for the literary set.

(2) "The Lutherans and Twister Theology," by Julia Duin // Comments: 25
Julia's first-person account of the strange events at last week's ELCA convention.

(1) "The Persecuted Rifqa Bary?" by Katelyn Beaty // Comments: 35
Christians rally support for a 17-year-old believer who says her Muslim parents have threatened to kill her. Should they believe her?
