
They Sang ‘a Heavenly Song’ in a Dark Chinese Jail
Two Chinese Christian women ministered to their cellmates and prison guards with stories, prayers, and hymns.
Our Loved Ones Don’t Become Angels When They Die
Despite what Chinese religions and pop culture might suggest, they stay human—and that’s a good thing.
The Birds and the Bees: How Over-Spiritualizing Sex Dismisses Creation
The current debates about sexuality are missing an ecological perspective.
Tim Keller: From the CT Archives
A collection of articles by and about the late pastor theologian.
Tim Keller Practiced the Grace He Preached
In an increasingly divisive world, the pastor theologian’s legacy was walking the higher road—the one less traveled.
Died: Tim Keller, New York City Pastor Who Modeled Winsome Witness
“We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.”
My Sister’s Sudden Death Prepared Me for COVID-19’s Slow Grief
As much as we might want to, none of us can outsource the burden of bereavement.
The Dwight Schrute Theory of American Culture
How Rainn Wilson’s character on ‘The Office’ reflects our current leadership crisis.
How Should We Then Live Among Muslims? Four Arab Christian Views
Theological advice on how Middle East believers in Jesus can best witness to their faith, keep social peace, and maintain unity.
Can You Be Born Again Without ‘Feeling’ It?
Like Francis Wayland, some of us may doubt our religious conversion experience.
When Police Arrive at Your Church’s Door
As persecution worsens in China, an urban house church leader offers guide for perseverance and preparation.
As Churches Offer Refuge, Sudanese Christians Refine Theology of War
“Already but not yet” takes on new meaning as violence scatters believers from Khartoum to corners of Sudan where biblical application has long been lived.
J. K. Rowling’s Witch Hunts Put Us on Trial
What our anger towards this controversial cultural figure reveals about us.
Darwin’s Dirty Secret Lives On
A recent book on evolutionary theory fails to reckon with the social side of natural selection.
No School Left Behind: Why All Education Is Public
Private, state, and charter schools all contribute to the common good. Our debates should reflect that.
Moses Was Bicultural Like Me
God chose a Hebrew raised as an Egyptian to lead his people out of slavery.
Western Classics Exclude Me. But Christ Can Redeem Them.
As an Asian American, God's great story helps me value literature that often leaves me out.
Christian Faith Was Jackie Robinson’s Haven in a Heartless World
A new biography offers an intimate account of his spiritual life, on and off the baseball field.
‘Memorizing’ the Scars of South Korea’s Gwangju Massacre
Chun Woo-won’s apology for his military dictator grandfather’s sins is Nehemiah in action.
How to Improve Your Odds for a Successful Marriage
If you’re dating seriously, don’t slide into a life-long commitment. Decide on it.

Top Story July 29, 2024

What Wrestling Taught an Olympic Gold Medalist About God
What Wrestling Taught an Olympic Gold Medalist About God
As he prepares for the Paris Olympics, wrestler Kyle Snyder talks about how faith helped him loosen up and love his teammates.

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