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The Bulletin Episode 53|50min
Across the Lines
Transgenderism challenges women’s sports, ministries respond to campus antisemitism and the plight of prisoners.
Be Afraid Episode 6|1 hr 1min
We Toys Can See Everything … So Play Nice
On toys and childhood fears.
Died: Frank Borman, Apollo 8 Astronaut Who Broadcast Genesis from Space
Commander of first lunar flight was moved by the sight of “the good earth.”
Para interceder por la iglesia perseguida, necesitamos informarnos primero
En medio de la creciente persecución contra los cristianos en el mundo, te sugerimos algunas historias que pueden guiar tus oraciones este año.
‘Whatever They Need’: GOP Candidates Focus on Israel Support
Debate participants appealed to Zionist evangelicals while condemning campus antisemitism.
Morrendo para as nossas selfies
Nós jamais veremos a glória de Deus se nos enxergarmos apenas como uma marca.
في خضم حرب إسرائيل وحماس، ينشد المسيحيون المحليون الغضب المقدس ورجاء الإنجيل
بينما يؤدي الإرهاب إلى مقتل الآلاف، فان القاسم المشترك للفلسطينيين الانجيليين واليهود المسيحيين هو الذهول والحزن والصلاة من أجل السلام والعدالة.
I Promised God I’d Return to Haiti. As the US Opens Its Doors, It’s a Hard Promise to Keep.
I moved back after the earthquake and am determined to stay, even as my country’s circumstances are graver than ever before.
Among Chinese Southern Baptists, Women Continue to Use Pastor Title
Leaders say “due to history and language” churches use the term for non-ordained ministers and women.
A Leader of India’s ‘Untouchables’ Considered Christianity and Found It Wanting
Why B.R. Ambedkar, a Dalit himself, ultimately embraced Buddhism as the faith best for him and his community.
Kids’ Access to Porn Is a Problem. Are State Laws the Solution?
As some Christian advocates fight for age verification, others say it’s parents’ responsibility to monitor.
I Started Attending Diwali Parties to Break Out of My Christian Bubble
I was raised in a vibrant Indian community. How I'm trying to build relationships with Hindu friends in America.
The Eternal King Arrives
Journeying through Advent with our humble and mighty Savior
Evangélicos palestinos chamam a igreja ocidental ao arrependimento, mas são criticados
Os cristãos do Oriente Médio deixam claro que rejeitam a violência, mas expressam sua frustração com a falta de reconhecimento do Ocidente quanto à realidade da ocupação e aos danos colaterais resultantes dos bombardeios.
Viral JesusEpisode 94|50min
Brady Shearer: Shepherding Churches Through Digital Spaces
On his way to becoming a pastor, Brady Shearer discovered his true call: help church leaders navigate the rapidly changing worlds of technology and social media.
Pray for the Persecuted Church. But First Learn About It.
Amid rising persecution to Christians in the world, here are some stories that can guide your intercessions.
이스라엘과 하마스의 전쟁 와중에도, 의로운 분노와 복음의 소망을 찾는 현지 기독교인들
테러로 수천 명의 사망자가 발생하자, 팔레스타인 복음주의자들과 유대인 기독교인들은 충격과 슬픔을 나누며 평화와 정의를 위해 기도하고 있다.
Meet the Zoomers’ Martin Luther
He plays Minecraft and talks church history on YouTube—and he’s organizing a new mainline reformation.
The Christian X-odus
As faithful Twitter users drop the platform, writers, leaders, and ministries adapt to a new social landscape.

Top Story July 26, 2024

Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
The public square is increasingly hostile to religion. But don’t be surprised when Olympic athletes overflow with thanks to God.

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