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Nossa adoração está transformando o louvor em lucro
Com a consolidação da música de adoração no mundo corporativo, mais entidades têm investido no que cantamos nas manhãs de domingo. Como esses incentivos financeiros moldarão a igreja?
Основателя Международного дома молитвы Майка Бикла обвиняют в сексуальных злоупотреблениях
Бывшие лидеры МДМКС выступили от имени нескольких женщин с достоверными, по их словам, обвинениями, накопившимися за последние несколько десятков лет.
Засновника Міжнародного дому молитви Майка Бікла звинувачують у сексуальних зловживаннях
Колишні лідери МДМКС виступили від імені кількох жінок із достовірними, за їхніми словами, звинуваченнями, які накопичилися за останні кілька десятків років.
From the Chicago Suburbs to Penang, We Sought to Love Our Neighbors
Whether hospitality means house parties or intimate gatherings, God’s charge is the same.
Viral JesusEpisode 92|41min
Taylor Lorenz: Extremely Online
Tech journalist Taylor Lorenz on digital creators, influencer culture, and how women disrupted the internet.
COVID and the Church Episode 8|1 hr 2min
Chapter 7: Friendly Fire in the Culture War
Lasting damage was inflicted not by restrictions imposed from outside the church but by politicized conflicts inside each congregation.
I Was Facing a Lifetime in Mental Institutions When God Threw Me a Lifeline
How he purged the voices in my head telling me I was worthless.
As Campus Threats Rise, College Ministries Look for Ways to Help
The fallout of the Israel-Hamas war at US universities, including antisemitic attacks, is roiling the Ivy Leagues especially.
The Opposite of Abuse Is Care
In an age of spiritual abuse scandals, the early church offers a positive model of pastoral authority.
The History of Chinese Bible Translation Is Full of Cooperation
Western missionaries collaborated with Chinese Christian scholars to translate the Word of God, leading to the achievement of the Union Version.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Gloo
5 Key Ways AI Can Benefit Pastors, Even the Skeptical Ones
It's time to maximize your ministry.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 78|50min
Christine Caine Tells Me Where I’m Wrong on the Holy Spirit
The author, speaker, and nonprofit founder speaks to the supernatural.
Give Me Yesus: Indonesia Replaces Arabic Name for Christ
Beginning next year, the largest Muslim country in the world will use the Bahasa name for Christian holidays.
1 in 3 Latino Protestants Report Interacting with the Dead
Catholicism, Protestantism, and indigenous culture shape the interpretation of these experiences and how people relate to those who have passed away.
Where Ya From?Episode 58|1 hr 5min
‘Becoming Color Courageous’ with Michelle Sanchez
A gifted leader in evangelism and spiritual formation, Michelle Sanchez discovered that matters of racial equity and inclusion are also essential to healthy discipleship.
1 de cada 3 latinos protestantes afirma haber interactuado con los muertos
El catolicismo, el protestantismo y las culturas indígenas influyen en sus interpretaciones de estas experiencias.

Top Story July 26, 2024

Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
The public square is increasingly hostile to religion. But don’t be surprised when Olympic athletes overflow with thanks to God.

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