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Reading Esther in the Shadow of ISIS
A Jewish philosopher’s perspective on how God delivers his people from radical evil.
Rabbi: Passover Is for Christians, Too
Reform leader offers one Jewish perspective on New Testament tradition.
What an Obscure Old Testament Figure Reveals about Us Gentiles
There's more to the story of Obed-Edom.
Israeli Christians Think and Do Almost the Opposite of American Evangelicals
New Pew survey finds big differences in political views and religious practices.
Have Christians and Jews Extended the Olive Branch Too Far?
Orthodox rabbis say Christianity is God’s will. Vatican says don’t formally evangelize Jews.
Orthodox Rabbis Say Christianity Is God's Plan, Vatican Says Stop Evangelizing Jews
Experts assess letter exchange marking 50th anniversary of famous detente.
Meet the Dutch Christians Who Saved Their Jewish Neighbors from the Nazis
Diet Eman endured Hitler’s occupation separated from her fiance, Hein Sietsma. But apart, they served in the Dutch Underground—saving at least 60 Jews from certain death.
No More Love for Christian Author’s Holocaust Romance
For such a book as this: An acclaimed retelling of Esther with a Nazi hero raises controversy and questions.
Why Christian Education in Israel Could Vanish
Forty-eight Christian schools say unfair treatment by government may force them to close.
Messianic Judaism Flourishes in Holocaust Towns
Ukrainian Jews who follow Yeshua also plant congregations worldwide.
Not the Christian Zionism You’re Thinking Of
Academics get behind an Israel that God will use for the good of all.
New Evidence of War Crimes, Genocide against Iraqi Christians, Yazidis
More than 100 witnesses come forward detailing 'unspeakable brutality.'
The Jewish Roots of Christian Sabbath
In a guest post, Michelle Van Loon begins to unwrap the gift of Shabbot
Bonhoeffer Against the World
How did a young man with no apparent power become a hero of the faith? A new biography explains.
'Price Tag' Israeli Extremists Target Christians
‘Jesus is garbage’ graffiti, threat to kill bishop expose anti-Christian sentiment just as Israel prepares to host Pope Francis.
How to Be 'Pro-Jesus' in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
What one leading Israeli Arab evangelical thinks American Christians can do to promote Mideast peace.
Jesus Is More All Right with Jews
Why messianic Jews are being accepted.
Another Acceptance Milestone for Messianic Jews
Jewish believers in Jesus encouraged that worldwide Jewish scholars deem movement worthy of study.
My Top 5 Books on Israel & Palestine
Christians Fight Israel's Marriage Ban
Without official recogition, evangelicals must travel abroad to get married. Will a lawsuit help?

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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