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The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 40|40min
Church: It’s Complicated
Russell Moore and producer Ashley Hales respond to listeners.
Grace Community Church rechazó los llamados de un anciano para ‘hacer justicia’ en caso de abuso
Mientras que un exlíder espera un cambio, las mujeres que buscaron refugio en la consejería bíblica en la iglesia de John MacArthur dicen que temían ser disciplinadas por buscar protección de situaciones de abuso en sus matrimonios.
Des universitaires israéliens remettent en question des découvertes archéologiques
Et autres actualités des chrétiens à travers le monde...
L’Église de John MacArthur rejette les appels d’un ancien à « faire justice » dans une affaire d’abus
Des femmes ayant cherché secours auprès de la Grace Community Church disent avoir craint une mise sous discipline pour avoir tenté de se mettre à l’abri de conjoints abusifs.
Israeli Academics Question Archaeological Discoveries
And other news briefs from around the world.
A igreja de John MacArthur rejeitou os apelos de um presbítero para “fazer justiça” em um caso de abuso
Enquanto um ex-líder anseia por mudanças, mulheres que buscaram refúgio no aconselhamento bíblico da Grace Community Church dizem que temeram ser disciplinadas ao procurarem ajuda por causa de seus casamentos abusivos.
Grace Community Church Rejected Elder’s Calls to ‘Do Justice’ in Abuse Case
While a former leader hopes for change, women who sought refuge in biblical counseling at John MacArthur’s church say they feared discipline for seeking safety from their abusive marriages.
Must Pastors Report Abuse? Some States Aren’t Clear, But the Bible Is
As a pediatrician-turned-pastor, I believe reporting suspected child harm is our civic and Christian duty.
這位身處於創傷知情照顧(Trauma-informed care)第一線的心理學家指出,教會領袖經常選擇保護機構,而不是人。
There’s No Such Thing as a Good Divorce
While divorce may sometimes be warranted and even necessary, it is never a cause for celebration.
Nouveau rapport sur les dérives « mystico-sexuelles » de Jean Vanier
Une commission indépendante a conclu que des dizaines de femmes ont été violées par Vanier et son mentor dans le cadre de disciplines spirituelles abusives.
Report: Jean Vanier’s L’Arche Hid ‘Mystical-Sexual’ Sect for Decades
An independent commission concluded that dozens of women were violated by Vanier and his mentor under exploitative spiritual disciplines.
Restablecer la confianza en la Iglesia requiere toda la verdad
Las instituciones cristianas no podrán reconstruir su credibilidad si ocultamos nuestros errores.
Diane Langberg: The Church ‘Utterly Failed’ God in Its Abuse Response
The psychologist at the forefront of trauma-informed care calls out leaders for protecting institutions over people.
Restoring Trust in the Church Requires the Whole Truth
Our Christian institutions can’t rebuild credibility if we hide our failings.
Hillsong Founder Awaits Verdict in Cover-Up Case
An Australian court is weighing whether Brian Houston had a “reasonable excuse” not to report his father's sexual abuse to the police.
CT’s Top 20 Stories of 2022
Heresies, harassment, and Her Majesty’s death: Here are the stories Christians engaged with this year.
Top 10 CT News Stories of the Year
From “Dobbs” to a bombshell SBC abuse report, we ranked the most significant evangelical headlines from 2022.
A Southern Baptist Pastor’s Plea: Please Listen
Why Johnny Hunt’s “restoration” convinces me we don’t have ears to hear.
Former Southern Seminary Prof Sues SBC Leaders for Labeling Him an Abuser
David Sills admitted to misconduct but claims he has been “falsely attacked” by Southern Baptists and their investigative firm.

Top Story July 6, 2024

When Worship Leaders Go on Vacation, Churches Get Creative
When Worship Leaders Go on Vacation, Churches Get Creative
Acoustic sets, recorded tracks, and alternative setups can offer volunteers a break and invite congregants into new spiritual practices.

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