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The Pentecostal Who Shaped Swedish Politics
Lewi Pethrus founded the Christian Democrats, started a still-in-print newspaper, and preached his countercultural values to whomever would listen, explains historian Joel Halldorf.
포르토프랭스에서 미국인 선교사 사망
아이티에서 갱단의 공격으로 3명이 사망하고 집 한 채가 불에 타는 가운데 국제군의 투입이 또다시 지연되고 있다.
Deux missionnaires américains et un responsable haïtien tués à Port-au-Prince
Une attaque de gang contre une mission laisse trois morts et une maison en feu. L’intervention internationale se fait encore attendre.
Misioneros estadounidenses asesinados en Puerto Príncipe
Un ataque de pandilleros en Haití deja tres muertos y una casa en llamas. Las fuerzas internacionales se retrasan de nuevo.
American Missionaries Killed in Port-au-Prince
Gang attack in Haiti leaves three dead and a house on fire as international forces are delayed again.
Died: Sandra Crouch, Gospel Artist Who Broke with Church to Get Ordained
She won a Grammy for “We Sing Praises,” collaborated with her brother Andraé on “Jesus Is the Answer,” and worked with everyone from Billy Graham to Michael Jackson.
Viens, suis-moi ! Les pasteurs brésiliens face à la concurrence des influenceurs chrétiens
Des responsables évangéliques mettent en garde contre l’immaturité spirituelle et les motivations économiques à l’œuvre sur les réseaux sociaux.
Africa’s Wall Street Quiets Christian Worship
In the commercial capital of Malawi, Pentecostal pastors and churches face fines or removal for making a joyful noise.
Died: Carlton Pearson, Pentecostal Preacher Who Rejected Hell
The former COGIC leader and Oral Roberts mentee said he wore his “heretic” label “like a badge.”
Que os reformados do Senhor digam não ao cessacionismo
A descrença na obra miraculosa do Espírito está ganhando espaço em alguns círculos cristãos, mas está travando uma batalha perdida.
Conheça a incrível história de Loren Cunningham, fundador da JOCUM
Ele mobilizou milhares de missões de curto prazo e viu “ondas” de jovens levando o evangelho a todas as nações.
Falleció Loren Cunningham, movilizador de viajes misioneros de corto plazo
El fundador de JuCUM (YWAM) tuvo la visión de «olas» de jóvenes llevando el Evangelio a todas las naciones.
Parcours de vie : Loren Cunningham, catalyseur de millions de missionnaires à court terme.
Le fondateur de JEM voyait des « vagues » de jeunes porter l’Évangile dans tous les pays.
Died: Loren Cunningham, Who Launched Millions on Short-Term Missions
YWAM founder saw “waves” of young people carrying the gospel to every nation.
Let the Reformed of the Lord Say No to Cessationism
Disbelief in the Spirit’s miraculous work is gaining ground in some Christian circles, but it’s fighting a losing battle.
Умер Лорен Каннингем, отправлявший миллионы людей в краткосрочные миссионерские поездки
Основатель YWAM видел «волны» молодых людей, несших Евангелие всем народам.
Помер Лорен Каннінгем, який відправляв мільйони людей у короткострокові місіонерські поїздки
Засновник YWAM бачив «хвилі» молодих людей, що несли Євангелію всім народам.
Capellanes evangélicos en Ucrania se juegan la vida para orar
Pastores se alistan para ministrar dentro del ejército a fin de ayudar con las necesidades físicas y espirituales mientras continúan los combates.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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