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Volume 53, Number 7
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Cover Story

Cuba for Christ—Ahora!
The Communist island's improbable revival is 15 years old and growing stronger.
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Inside CT: Back to Cuba
Christianity Today puts a spotlight on a hidden story.
Renewed Focus and Vision
A word from Christianity Today International's president.
Readers Write
Your responses to the May 2009 issue of Christianity Today.
Angel Food Ministries Faces Lawsuits and FBI Probe
Facing lawsuits and an FBI probe, Angel Food's story bears warnings about family-run mega-ministries.
Radicals Rejected
Orissa Christians breathe easier after election defeat of Hindu extremists.
Martyrs Killed by Conspiracy
Investigation links Malatya murders to cabal of generals, politicians.
Less Edgy Conferences
Youth Specialties refocuses training events after pushback.
Passages in the Christian World
James Hudson Taylor III dies, Abilene Christian University and Wheaton College presidents retire, and other news in brief.
Quotation Marks
Recent remarks on Sonia Sotomayor, whether waterboarding is torture, and other news developments.
After George Tiller's Death
Pro-life advocates wonder whether doctor's murder will reshape debate.
Go Figure
Get the numbers on the Republican Party, what Americans consider to be morally wrong, and new church attendees.
Q&A: Rev. Robert A. Schuller
The son of a famous evangelist tells CT why he left The Hour of Power.
News Briefs: July 01, 2009
Habitat for Humanity receives a $100 million donation, Asbury Theological Seminary lays off 16 employees, and other recent news.
African Theologians on Polygamy and Gay Marriage
African churches seek a better response to polygamy than in years past as western churches address new same-sex marriages.
Recession Hits Refugees
Nationwide job shortage pushes limits of resettlement system.
Not One Sparrow
We can be 'speciesists' and show compassion for animals.
Cuba: More Freedom But Not Free
Cuba still ranks low on religious liberty.
Is The Gay Marriage Debate Over?
What the battle for traditional marriage means for Americans—and evangelicals.
Evangelicals on the Newburyport Trail
George Whitefield's tomb is attracting a brisk flow of visitors. Just don't make a big deal about it.
Does Global Christianity Equal American Christianity?
Historian Mark Noll talks about how U.S. missionaries have—and have not—shaped the faith in other nations.
To Kill or to Love—That Was the Question
Rethinking the image of God helped me to decide.
Where Jerusalem and Mecca Meet
One Baptist college's social (and evangelistic) experiment in having Muslim students on campus.
When the War Never Ends
Many vets are ambushed by post-traumatic stress disorder. But some churches are coming to their defense.
Reflections: Hard Times
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
'Honor Thy Father' for Grownups
Or, how not to be a deadbeat son or daughter.
Dinesh D'Souza: What Muslims Detest Most about the West
A recent survey reveals what Muslims detest most about the West.
Books Uncommon and Offbeat
Short reviews of Jericho's Fall, Religion in the National Agenda, and Naming Infinity.
Divine Devolution
Robert Wright thinks God is okay, as long as he behaves like a secular humanist.
My Top 5 Books on Calvin
Wings for the Single Person
When the 'true love waits' pledge card has worn off.
A More Civilized Christian Right
Why the conservative movement is a model of democratic values.
Blood and Desperation
Aaron Strumpel returns human struggle to the Psalms.
The July List
Short reviews of new albums by Jars of Clay, Phillip LaRue, and Billy Ray Cyrus.
Voiceless Women
The Stoning Of Soraya M. exposes a dark side of Islam.
A Whole Good World Outside
Opening our blinds to the prevailing wonder of creation.