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Go Figure
Abortion, Catholicism, politics, and other recent stats.
Starbucks CEO Withdraws from Willow Creek Leadership Summit
Gay rights activists had protested Howard Schultz's scheduled appearance.
Mark Hatfield, Maverick Evangelical Politician, Dies at 89
Former governor and senator known as 'Saint Mark' was steadfast in opposing war, abortion, corrupting power.
Quotation Marks
Recent comments from Fred Luter, Darren Aronofsky, and others that have stirred the pot.
Go Figure
Recent stats on prayer, family life, and the country’s moral values.
A Change of Focus
What a beauty pageant story revealed about a ministry.
Quotation Marks
Recent comments from Oprah Winfrey, Jim Wallis, and others that have stirred the pot.
Go Figure
Recent stats on science, health, and more.
Adam, Where Are You?
It's time for a difficult, grace-filled family meeting.
Quotation Marks
Recent comments on website blocking, life expectancy, religion in the workplace, and other topics.
Go Figure
Recent stats on Islam, persecution and megachurches.
Quotation Marks
Eugene Peterson's endorsement, Christopher Hitchens on hope, and Alan Chambers on being offensive.
Thanksgiving Question Nearly Deports Tortured Christian
An immigration judge was distressed that 'Li claimed that Thanksgiving was a Christian holiday.'
Go Figure
Numerous recent stats on martyrdom, church discipline, theology, and other topics.
Quotation Marks
Tim Keller's Manhattan, Benny Hinn's lawsuit, and Christians as 'institutionalized oppressions.'
Quotation Marks
Lil Wayne on reading the Bible, fitness guru on Billy Graham, and Richard Land on 'a bridge too far.'
No Empty Words
We're glad our readers value the 'nobility of diction.'
Quotation Marks
Apple's anti-app "animus," Pat Robertson's pot pronouncement, and other statements of note in the church around the world.
Go Figure
Stats on theology, marriage, and evangelical self-image.
Quotation Marks
Requiem for 'Kumbaya,' plagiarism in seminaries, and other recent remarks in the church and world.