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Christine O'Donnell, Charlie Crist Defeated
Rand Paul, Dan Coats Take Senate Seats
FRC Takes Aim at Republican Rep. on Gay Rights
Court: 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Remains
Obama: Same-sex Marriage Views Evolving
Crystal Cathedral Files for Bankruptcy
Rand Paul Blasts Opponent's Ad Referencing Baylor
A Different Kind of Tent Revival
How one pastor is tackling Haiti's complex challenges.
John Piper v. Rick Warren Postponed
Despite controversial invitation, Rick Warren missed the Desiring God conference due to family health incidents.
White House Grants $27 Million in Pregnancy Aid
Pro-life groups applauded the administration's move but remain skeptical over framing grants as 'common ground.'
The Updated Bible: Moses v. Steve Jobs
How the publishing industry is keeping up with the 21st century as technology changes how we study the Bible.
GOP Stalls 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal
Obama Makes Rare Church Appearance
New Tribes Mission Confronts '80s Sex-abuse Allegations
(UPDATED) New arrest accuses missionary of sexually abusing four children and creating pornography.
Poll: 24% Think Obama is a Muslim
Wallis Apologizes to Olasky after Sojourners Funding Flap
Sojourners founder apologizes for suggesting World's editor-in-chief 'lies for a living' but stands by his organization's accepting grants from George Soros.
Dinesh D'Souza to Lead NYC's King's College
Appointment of author and speaker prompts the questions: How Catholic is he? And how Protestant is the Campus Crusade–affiliated school?
Wallis Admits to Soros Funding
Franklin Graham: Obama born a Muslim, a Christian Now