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Humans and Other Animals
How much do we share with the birds of the air and the beasts of the field?
Cardinal Mahony's Baloney Sandwich
The public face of Catholic social teaching.
In Praise of Miscegenation
Racial categories don't mean what they used to. Hallelujah.
The Evangelical Culture of Euphemism Part 2
Should we distinguish between public and private discourse?
The Culture of Euphemism
A dispatch from the Christian Booksellers Association convention.
Get Outta My Face!
The most troublesome word in religion today.
It Takes a Village to Raise a Child...
… but for an abortion, you only need a doctor and a nurse or two.
Stranger in a Strange Land
Mad Scientist Holds World Hostage
Thoughts on the rough draft of the genome map
Barna & Bailey
The Greatest Research Show on Earth?
Your Darwin Is Too Large
Evolution's significance for theology has been greatly exaggerated.
Our Bodies Our Selves?
Facing the discomfort we have with our physiques.
True West
Three excellent museum shows—not to mention our magazines—reexamine the American frontier
Easter en Español
Images in Procession: Testimonies of Spanish Faith can awaken us to our own spiritual rituals
Defending Faith and Learning
Baylor University's Polanyi Center comes under fire from the university's faculty.
Writing Faithfully
A dispatch from Calvin College's Festival of Faith & Writing
Who in Hell?
Theologian John Sanders considers the eternal fate of non-Christians
I Read the News Today
Finding the most important story in headlines' sum
Peace Be With You
Looking beyond naivete and cynicism about peacemaking at Wheaton's Christianity and Violence conference.
Flagitious Corruptions