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As Denominations Decline, Faith Looks Different in Nashville
In the Music City, CCM sales outpace country albums.
Why the SBC Published a Report Alleging Paige Patterson’s Seminary Theft
The ongoing dispute between Southwestern and its former president reflects a larger rift over his place in the denomination.
Why Black Pastors Still Stay Southern Baptist
Even with disputes over Trump and critical race theory pushing some minority leaders out, others stand by the missional advantage in the country’s largest Protestant body.
For Pilgrims, Thanksgiving Was a Way of Life
The commemoration we recognize each year came out of a deep view of providence and everyday gratitude to God.
Movement Wants to Make Southern Baptists Conservative Again
A new network of pastors says it’s trying to unite the SBC. But its critics fear the opposite.
Fewer Southern Baptists Call Themselves ‘Southern Baptist’
SBC president J. D. Greear explains the uptick in an alternative name: Great Commission Baptists.
The Next Mission Field Is a Game
Esports opens new opportunities for evangelism, even during a pandemic.
What Pastors See as the ‘New Normal’ for Preaching After the Pandemic
COVID-19’s ministry disruptions are generating lasting insights.
Despite Racial Tensions, Black Southern Baptist Churches Still on the Rise
Recruitment efforts draw African American pastors to SBC missions efforts, though growth is slowing.
Bible Reading Drops During Social Distancing
Daily engagement had already been declining, but worsened during the pandemic, according to the annual State of the Bible report.
Controversy and Coronavirus Keep Church Plants Out of Schools
Church of the Highlands’s expulsion in Birmingham has some pastors worried about growing scrutiny.
Most US Pastors Speak Out in Response to George Floyd’s Death
Survey finds many still worry discussing race is “too political.”
Christian Giving Rebounds to Pre-Pandemic Levels
Most evangelical churches and ministries tightened budgets yet saw steady donations this spring.
Myanmar Christians Split Over Canadian Pastor Arrested for Violating COVID-19 Restrictions
With a disproportionate number of the majority-Buddhist nation's outbreaks linked to church gatherings, is it religious persecution to punish leaders of the minority faith?
ERLC Shifts Staff as Three Longtime Leaders Move On
Russell Moore’s earliest appointees helped define a new era for the Southern Baptist Convention’s public policy arm.
Coronavirus Searches Lead Millions to Hear About Jesus
Tens of thousands have clicked to pray for salvation since the outbreak. Is the increase temporary or a harbinger of greater gospel witness online?
Canceled Mission Trips Expected to Have Long-Term Fallout
Without the typical influx of volunteers, ministries revise their plans and experts fear a COVID-19 kink in the missionary pipeline.
Southern Baptists Have Only 13 African American Career Missionaries. What Will It Take to Mobilize More?
The International Mission Board launches new efforts to address historic shortage.
Southern Baptists Disfellowship Church Over Abuse for the First Time
But victim advocates say the denomination hasn’t gone far enough.
SBC Recalls ‘Year of Waking Up’ Since Abuse Investigation
Attention turns to a committee that could identify offending churches, a new measure put in place following the landmark Houston Chronicle series.