|Gospel of Grace
Lessons in grace from the prodigal’s brother.
The Other Brother
Image: Brandon Robinson

The story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 is a familiar one to many Christians. There is much to learn about grace from the story of the son who rebels and returns. But, there is also a lot to learn from the one who stays behind.

Sadly, the older brother is just as far from ...

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What gospel-centered evangelism looks like in a multiethnic context.
More Characteristics of High-Definition Evangelism
Image: Brandon Robinson

A few weeks ago, I shared three characteristics of high-definition evangelism. Today, I want to continue that conversation with three more ideas to help you be intentional in reaching out to a multiethnic world.

In the earlier article, I shared how gospel-centered vision, ...

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God wants to use teens to change the world.
Teens Are Not the Church of Tomorrow
Image: Brandon Robinson

We believe our teenagers are not the church of tomorrow but the church of today. God has used teens throughout his redemptive history. He used David, Mary, and most of Jesus’ disciples at young ages. Teens, we believe God can use you today to change the world.

Watch ...

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Three leadership insights that will make you a better pastor today.
It’s Not All About the Weekend
Image: Erick Hodge

Every day it feels like I learn something new. When I was younger, I thought I knew everything, but the older I get the more I realize how much I really don’t know. Here are three pastoral leadership insights I’m learning. I hope they encourage you.

Don’t ...

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Is your Bible study helping you to seek and to save the lost?
Us Four and No More
Image: Erick Hodge

On August 2, 1997, during training camp with the Indianapolis Colts, God the Holy Spirit awakened my heart to see my need for Jesus. A former teammate named Steve Grant had shared the Good News with me for five years. Steve was passionate about reaching people with the gospel ...

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Seeing salvation in high-definition.
How Can Enemies Now Be Friends?
Image: Erick Hodge

How can enemies now be friends?

When the people of first-century Ephesus looked at its multiethnic congregations of Jews and Gentiles, this question must have been on their minds. The apostle Paul wrote his letter to encourage these ethnically diverse congregations of former ...

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Trusting God in difficult circumstances.
We All Have a Little Egypt in Us
Image: Death to Stock

I love the Exodus story. It has mystery, adventure, heroism, defiance, miracles, and the struggle of real people in a world swirling with volatility and danger. So often, I, and perhaps you, read the Bible like it’s a sterile textbook, instead of as God’s redemptive ...

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