|Gospel of Grace
What the incarnation means for you.
Jesus, the Ultimate Team Captain
Image: Flickr

What does the word “incarnation” mean and how can it impact your life today? I share about this gospel truth in this short clip from a recent sermon. When Jesus puts on flesh, he becomes our representative to God the Father, like a team captain on the football field. ...

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Developing servant-leaders in the local church.
Ask for a Towel, Not a Title
Image: Flickr

A little while back, I was in a conversation with a gentleman at our monthly newcomer’s gathering. He was a Christ-follower who had walked with Jesus for many years. He asked the typical questions that someone would ask concerning the new local church he was considering ...

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Live as an ambassador to a hurting world.
#Ferguson and the Cross
Image: Erick Hodge

In August, Michael Brown, an unarmed, black 18-year-old, was shot and killed by Darren Wilson, a white policeman, in Ferguson, Missouri. Tonight, we learned that the grand jury decided not to indict Wilson on any charges related to the event.

In the months since the shooting, ...

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Three characteristics of high-definition evangelism in a multiethnic world.
Gospel-Centered Evangelism
Image: Erick Hodge

Hi friends, I just finished the first draft of my forthcoming book, The High-Definition Leader: Building Multiethnic Churches in a Multiethnic World. Here is a sneak peek. I sure hope it encourages you.

Ninety-four percent of local churches in America are not growing.

This ...

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How the consumerist worldview affects the church.
God Is Not Santa Claus
Image: Unsplash

God is not Santa Claus.

But we seem to forget that sometimes because we have embraced a worldview called consumerism. In this way of seeing the world, the consumer is at the center, and his or her goal is to find pleasure and avoid pain by consuming things, experiences, ...

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Three ways to overcome pitfalls that stunt our growth.
Patience, Persistence, and Progression, Not Perfection
Image: Erick Hodge

During the midst of a difficult, frustrating time, a young leader that I love and admire requested my help. Everyone that I have the privilege of serving I love, but I must admit that this young leader has a special place in my heart. I’m passionate about the church ...

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Five reflections on emotionally unhealthy spirituality.
Healthy Leader, Healthy Church
Image: Erick Hodge

In the midst of serving your local church or ministry, it’s easy to focus on the ministry instead of focusing on Jesus’ ministry in and to me.

When we shift this focus, we can become spiritually and emotionally unhealthy. The work we do for God begins to kill ...

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We all need inspiration and transformation. The Creative Arts Team at Transformation Church takes a short snippet from my sermon each week to provide inspiration that leads to transformation. If these weekly videos inspire you, share them!

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