Lessons for building a successful team.
What US Sen. Tim Scott Taught Me About Leadership
Image: www.scott.senate.gov/official-photo

The success of any organization––a family, local church, business, or government––is rooted in effective leadership. I recently attended the 13th annual Charleston Leadership Breakfast in Charleston, South Carolina. The purpose of the event is to bring ...

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What we can learn about multiethnic church planting from the first church dispute.
Stuff First-Century Christians Fought About
Image: Unsplash

Earlier this year, I posted a large part of the following post on Ed Stetzer’s blog. But I want to share it here as well, with some important additions, to set the tone for an ongoing conversation on multiethnic churches.

In Acts 15, we find the first major church dispute. ...

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Imprint your divine design on whatever you do.
Tattoo Everything You Do with Excellence
Image: Erick Hodge

Everything we do is a reflection of who we are and what we worship.

If God gave us his best in Jesus, shouldn’t we desire to give our best back to him, even through our work?

Excellence is defined as: “the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.” Whether ...

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Three strategies to avoid a spiritual implosion.
How to Not Screw Up Your Life
Image: Flickr

Dear Christian,

I’m concerned about you. I’m concerned about me.

It seems that just about every month I hear stories of church leaders and other Christians who disqualify themselves for leadership because of:

• An emotional affair with a staff member

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How do you get over the hurt when people leave your church?
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Image: Erick Hodge

A couple of years ago, we were going through an amazing season of growth at Transformation Church. We witnessed awesome baptisms, record attendance, and most importantly, many people committing their lives to Jesus. God’s gracious hand was blessing us beyond measure. ...

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|Gospel of Grace
God knows the best position for you to play in life.
When You Feel Sidelined by God
Image: Flickr

Some years ago, when my son Jeremiah was seven, I coached his flag football team. One of his teammates was an adorable little guy named Max. Max is never going to be mistaken for the next “Mean Joe Green.”

Max is the kind of young man who, if an ambulance went ...

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What picture of the future has God tattooed on your heart?
Seeing the Unseen
Image: Unsplash

As a leader, what picture of the future has God tattooed on your heart concerning the organization you lead?

This soul-tattoo is called vision.

When you have a vision from God, there is an internal pull that you can’t measure. But you know it’s real.

It ...

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