That's what I'd like to help us think about in this blog.
What the Church Should Look Like
Image: Erick Hodge
Welcome to “Just Marinating”!

The concept of this name comes from John 15:5, “abide in Christ.” In this context, to marinate means to think about, to meditate on, to dwell on. In this blog, I want to help us think about and meditate on the amazing ...

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Three Practices to Grow as a Leader.
Instead of Building Your Platform, Build Your Character
Image: Erick Hodge

If you’re a pastor or leader, words like “platform” and “influence” are important.

But if we aren’t careful, in our desire to build our platform and influence, the end result will be building our EGO.

As leadership gurus Ken Blanchard ...

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Simple steps we can take to guard our hearts.
Pastor, Five Signs We're in Danger
Image: Mike Blake/REUTERS

I’ve learned a great spiritual lesson from the series, “Lord of the Rings,” that I pray will guide and protect me, my wife and children, and the people I lead at Transformation Church.

In this epic story, Sméagol kills a friend for a special ring ...

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Simply gathering Biblical facts won’t change the world.
Do We Have Discipleship Wrong?
Image: DeathToStock

In the American educational system, from first grade all the way up through high school, we’re taught to memorize INFORMATION, and then take a test. If we pass the intellectual test, then we move on to the next grade.

We’ve transferred this learning pattern ...

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Does our preaching and teaching cause people to focus more on themselves than on Jesus?
Christ-less Christianity
Image: Flickr

I have a great concern for the Bride of Christ, Jesus’ Beloved Church.

My concern is not for brick and mortar, but the people for whom Jesus shed His precious, sin-removing, guilt-removing, shame-removing, life-giving blood.

I’m concerned that much of the ...

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An invitation to a friend may save a life.
I was Going to Commit Suicide, but…
Image: Unsplash

I received a letter some time ago that I have to share with you. You see, when I received this letter, I was tired and discouraged. We’d been out of room at Transformation Church at our broadcast location for years, even with five services. I wasn’t sure we’d ...

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|Church Planting
Preparing for the adventure of a lifetime.
Seven Things Every Church Planter Must Know
Image: Erick Hodge

Dear Church Planter,

I’m so excited for you! You’re about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime!

Before you set sail, here are seven things you must know:

1. Be more passionate about developing a theological vision of why the church plant you serve exists ...

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We all need inspiration and transformation. The Creative Arts Team at Transformation Church takes a short snippet from my sermon each week to provide inspiration that leads to transformation. If these weekly videos inspire you, share them!

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