
Who Do You Say He Is?
In her follow-up to “Confronting Christianity,” Rebecca McLaughlin helps us discover (or rediscover) all that Jesus is and does.
5 Books on Women in the Global Church
Chosen by Gina Zurlo, author of “Global Christianity: A Guide to the World’s Largest Religion from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.”
Everything You Need to Know About the Respect for Marriage Act
The law recently advanced by the US Senate doesn’t deny religious liberty to those who support traditional unions.
Trump Won’t Divide the Church This Time (and That’s Not Necessarily Good News)
Cynicism and cruelty are even worse than division.
A Requiem for the Twitter I Once Knew
The social media platform has birthed key movements and conversations. Here’s what I’ll miss if it dies or changes form.
For to Us a Child Is Born...
Daily devotional readings for Advent 2022.
Should We Cancel Luther and Calvin?
The Reformers believed in burning heretics. Making sense of that grave mistake means looking first at ourselves.
If You See Something Unjust, Say Something
The new Emmett Till film tells a story of racial apathy that still haunts the church today.
The Demise of Jerry Falwell Jr. Makes for Great Media Fodder
But how should Christians be engaging it?
3 Principles for Settling Political Spats in the Church
When we see civic engagement as a limited strategy rather than a source of moral identity, we’re better equipped to reach across the partisan aisle.
Loving God Means More Than Knowing about Him, but Not Less
Our hearts and souls can’t fulfill the Great Commandment without our minds.
Stop Praying for Persecuted Christians Only
We don’t demonstrate such exclusionary self-focus in other ministry spheres. Opening our aperture is biblical and aids our advocacy.
Bono’s Punk-Rock Rebellion Was a Cry of Hopeful Lament
Grief and God have been part of U2’s story from the start.
What the Pelosi Attack Says About a Post-Truth Church
Some evangelicals are endorsing political violence. It needs to stop.
The Evangelical Bubble Needs a Doorway
We can protect our deepest convictions without closing ourselves off.
Go Ahead. Indulge Your Nostalgia.
But use it to praise God’s goodness, not a romanticized past.
Something Fake and Wicked This Way Comes
When our Halloween celebrations domesticate evil, we often miss a chance to see true darkness through the light of Christ.
Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’
A New Testament “scholar on fire,” he believed Scripture was an encounter with God.
Q&A Natasha Sistrunk Robinson: Call for the Wailing Women of Color
The editor of “Voices of Lament” on how public injustice demands public sorrow.
Christians Say Sayfo Martyrs Should Get Genocide Status
Syriac-Aramean Christians, fewer in number than similarly suffering Armenians, assert their Ottoman-era plight deserves separate recognition.

Top Story July 30, 2024

Nigerian Church Watches, Prays as Ocean Rises
Nigerian Church Watches, Prays as Ocean Rises
Ayetoro was founded to be a city on a hill. Now it’s facing a watery apocalypse.

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