
Christians Say Sayfo Martyrs Should Get Genocide Status
Syriac-Aramean Christians, fewer in number than similarly suffering Armenians, assert their Ottoman-era plight deserves separate recognition.
An Ark Mentality Can’t Survive an Anxiety-Flooded Age
In a world of fear and turmoil, the story of Noah brings baptismal hope.
American Idol: How Politics Replaced Spiritual Practice
Christian formation is central to civic renewal, not the other way around.
The Forgotten Christian Cause: Preserving Democracy
This election season, love your neighbor by supporting voter results, a free press, and a peaceful transfer of power.
The Collateral Damage of Sin
Worse than what “missing the mark” does to our soul is what it does to our neighbors.
What’s Wrong with Winsomeness?
The fruit of the Spirit still apply in a hostile culture.
Lament Is More Than a Country Song
Why the world needs the church to sing about sorrow.
Conversation Is Hospitality—Even on Social Media
Remote disagreements and lasting fellowship can come together, as Paul demonstrated.
Liberalism Comes in Right-Wing and Left-Wing Varieties. Christians Should Reject Both.
Governments can’t be indifferent to the moral and spiritual health of the governed.
I Untied My Noose and Took Up My Cross
A serious drug arrest had darkened my horizon. But a sweet, soft voice whispered words of hope.
We See the Morning Star More Brightly Through the Ages
Jesus’ title in Revelation is only enhanced by our improved knowledge of astronomy.
Christian Orthodoxy Is Your Ticket to a Land of Adventure
Playing in the fields of heresy and ambiguity might offer short-term kicks, but only sound doctrine can supply a lifetime of thrills.
The World’s Logic Says Diversity Begets Division. Gospel Logic Says Otherwise.
Why the pursuit of unity isn’t as hopeless as it sometimes seems.
Tell Me Your Beliefs on Sex Without Telling Me Your Beliefs on Sex
Over time, our embodied lives reliably reveal the stories and myths that shape us.
Don’t Let Missions Fall Prey to ‘Genericide’
By broadening the concept of “missional” activity, are we diluting our focus on the core of the Great Commission?
What Ancient Italian Churches Tell Us About Women in Ministry
An artistic record challenges the idea that Christian leadership was always restricted to men.
How Kanye West’s Breakdown Makes Sense of Our Social Crisis
Evangelicals are part of the shock culture ecosystem that exploits celebrities.
Distinguishing Scripture from Hindu Mythology
Indian Christians grapple with heresies and cultural confusion.
Narnia was C.S. Lewis’s Literary Petri Dish
It provided a controlled environment where he could develop, observe, and test his ideas about life and faith.
First Study of Chinese Churches in Britain Examines Boom and Possible Bust
Pastors and theologians respond to opportunities and challenges in new study on explosive growth from Hong Kong immigration.

Top Story July 30, 2024

O Say Can You See God in These 5 National Anthems?
O Say Can You See God in These 5 National Anthems?
At the Paris Olympics, songs from South Africa to Peru will call for divine protection and blessing.

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