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‘Bluey’: A Heavenly Vision of Life Together
The popular kids series reminds parents that playfulness is next to godliness.
You Can’t Reach People for Christ While Holding Their Culture at Arm’s Length
A veteran missiologist shares a lifetime of lessons on bringing the gospel into unfamiliar settings.
The Best Christian Kids TV Shows, Not Tells
Series like The Wingfeather Saga bring children along for the adventure of following Jesus.
Filipinos and Americans Diverge on Trusting Pastors
Studies find that while less than a third of Americans trust church leaders, 90 percent of Filipinos do.
O céu não é o fim eterno do trabalho
Só os nossos melhores dias nos dão um vislumbre do jubiloso trabalho que está por vir.
Prière d’enlever ses chaussures ?
Peu de traditions protestantes perpétuent la pratique du lavement des pieds. Certains souhaiteraient en voir le retour.
The Bulletin Episode 79|50min
Fever Dream
RFK announces his running mate, pro-lifers talk pro-choice, and Beyoncé goes country.
Siapa yang Paling Mungkin Mempraktikkan Saat Teduh Setiap Hari?
Survei mendapati bahwa dua pertiga pengunjung gereja meluangkan waktu bersama Tuhan setidaknya setiap hari, tetapi praktiknya berbeda-beda.
Cuando la música de adoración no se puede traducir
Grupos como Hillsong aprendieron a dejar de lado la literalidad en favor de la colaboración creativa.
For the Warming of the Earth: Worshiping in the Age of Creation Care
Christian artists work at the intersection of music and climate change.
Biblical Literacy in a Postliterate Age
We must always be people of the Word, but we’ll have to reimagine deep engagement with Scripture.
Surrogacy Makes More Babies. Pro-Lifers Should Still Oppose It.
Church leaders can offer clear moral and ethical guidance for a practice that violates biblical mandates.
After United Methodist Split, Some Conservatives Remain
Study: 24 percent of clergy in North Carolina are still opposed to same-sex marriage.
Viral JesusEpisode 119|37min
Ike Miller: Good Baggage
Heather and Ike Miller discuss good baggage.
Sanat Topluluklarımız Öldüğünde Kilise Kaybeder
Hristiyan yazar ve sanatçılar, hem kiliseye hem de dünyaya en iyi şekilde hizmet edebilmek için benzer düşünen yaratıcı kişilerden oluşan topluluklara ihtiyaç duyarlar.
Saya Benci ‘Orang-orang Gereja.’ Namun Saya Tahu Saya Membutuhkan Mereka.
Saat saya menghadiri pemakaman yang kedua dalam tiga minggu, dua orang Kristen menunjukkan kebaikan yang tidak dapat saya jelaskan.
Los roles de género fuera de la iglesia occidental
Scott W. Sunquist llama a la iglesia estadounidense a observar la gran diversidad de eclesiologías en el mundo.
Haïti : servir quand le monde s’effondre
Alors que le pays est ravagé par la violence, des responsables chrétiens soignent les blessures par balle, accueillent des étrangers et secourent des fonctionnaires.

Top Story July 18, 2024

Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Poll: Black Protestants are among the only groups who remain confident in the president’s mental capacities.

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