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Bohemia in the Suburbs
On the Task of Today's Christian Artist
Necessary Secrecy
On Refugia & Interlinear Spaces
The Kind of People We Need at the End of the World
On Character & Climate Anxiety
Tending the Garden of Tomorrow
The 2023 Ekstasis Print Collection
Korean American Methodists Struggle to Split from UMC
Some conservative churches that voted to disaffiliate say the denomination has responded by forcing out their pastors and charging them millions to keep their property.
La violence antisémite et ses honteuses justifications.
Nous devons nous soucier de toutes les victimes de la guerre, qu’elles soient israéliennes ou palestiniennes. Et cela implique de rejeter activement la haine du peuple juif.
Indian Church Draws Strength from Ostracism
Facing fresh attacks from Hindu nationalists, Wesleyans recall the history of God’s faithfulness in a Gujarat village.
Abolitionist Bible to Go on Public Display
And other news briefs from Christians around the world.
Trump-Era Controversies Had a Measurable Effect on Church Attendance
Politically moderate and left-leaning evangelicals appear to be most impacted.
American Evangelicals Divide over Ukraine
Republican candidates make competing arguments to potential voters.
Why I’m a ‘Bible Thumping Fundamentalist’
If the label means I hold to essential gospel beliefs, I’ll wear it proudly.
The Border Is a Complex Place. Jesus Is There.
How can we seek the values of the kingdom amid today’s immigration crisis?
A Person by Any Other Pronoun
Responses to our September issue.
Dying to Our Selfies
We’ll never see the glory of God if we look only to our own brand.
One Christian’s Quest to Change the Way We See Immigration
Equipped with Scripture, history, and a defunct restaurant on the southern border, Sami DiPasquale hopes he can soften politics-hardened hearts.
Our Divided Age Needs More Talk of Enemies
This sounds counterintuitive. But there are biblical and cultural reasons for believing it.
I Was a Disenchanted Deadhead Who Found Christ on a Greyhound Bus
When I fled the hippie scene, I never imagined how God’s Word would speak to me on board.
Mystics, Monastics, and the Moderns Who Need Them
Medieval Christianity holds up a helpful mirror to the contemporary church.
New & Noteworthy Books
Chosen by Matt Reynolds.
There Is an Edge to Living on the Edge
My outsider experiences have only strengthened my confidence in God’s goodness and sovereignty.

Top Story July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris Against History
Kamala Harris Against History
The candidate's "unburdened by what has been" and "coconut tree" lines push her party toward a troubling partisan divide over the past itself.

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