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Quick To ListenEpisode 268|1 hr 7min
Rick Warren Mastered the Formula for Suburban Church Growth
Why the “Purpose Driven” pastor connected with Southern Californians.
Biden Brings Back White House Faith Partnerships Office
President turns to Obama-era leader and his evangelical campaign outreach director to lead agency in efforts to “heal, unite, and rebuild.”
Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama All Cited One Puritan Sermon to Explain America
How did a forgotten colonial text become a national origin story?
The Cost of Religious Freedom
When advocacy for persecuted Christians harms their fellow believers.
The 10 Celebrities Evangelicals Trust Most and Least on Politics
Survey ranks political endorsements from Trump to Oprah to Jerry Falwell Jr.
Billy in the Oval Office: A Story of Faith, Friendship, and Temptation
Journalist Nancy Gibbs recalls Graham's relationship with six decades of American presidents.
Stephen Mansfield: Why So Many Conservative Christians Wanted a ‘Pagan Brawler’ in the White House
And how their choice of Trump has affected the church since last year’s election.
Joel Hunter Is Done Pastoring His Orlando Megachurch
(UPDATED) Obama’s spiritual adviser explains why his gifts are at 'their highest potential' but his call to local churches like Northland is ‘fulfilled.’
Quick To ListenEpisode 64|36min
What Iraqi Christians Want the American Government to Know
What are the history and political priorities of this tiny minority community?
Quick To ListenEpisode 59|42min
Why Reinhold Niebuhr Still Haunts American Politics
The Christian political theologian continues to inspire—and confound—those on the right and the left.
Trump Signs Law to Let States Defund Planned Parenthood
New legislation reverses Obama's 'parting gift' to the pro-choice movement.
3 Priorities for Evangelicals in the Trump Years
Actually, they’re worth pursuing no matter who occupies the White House.
Obama to Imprisoned Pastor's Wife: Saving Saeed Abedini in Iran Is 'a Top Priority'
(UPDATED) Obama tells Iran to 'immediately release' Abedini, who writes son on 7th birthday.
President Obama Cites Exodus on Immigration Reform: 'We Were Strangers Once Too'
(UPDATED) Reactions from Sam Rodriguez, Russell Moore, Jenny Yang, Noel Castellanos on Obama's motive vs. method.
Does Islam Encourage Violence More Than Other Religions?
New Pew survey examines who says yes and no.
Obama's Contract Killer
Why Christian organizations were concerned about Obama’s executive order—even though so few were directly affected.
Code-Switching for the Kingdom
Sometimes the gospel sounds like, “Nobody can do me like Jesus.”
Leading Rabbi Nominated as First Non-Christian Religious Freedom Ambassador
Obama nomination of David Saperstein will require strong Senate support.
New Executive Orders on LGBT Discrimination Don't Exempt Religious Orgs
(UPDATED) But Obama won't withdraw memo on religious discrimination.
Our Brothers' Keepers: A Brokenhearted Black Woman Speaks Out
Watching the disproportionate fear and struggle faced by black men in America.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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