Church Life+Ministry

Carys Parker, Raised Entirely Aboard Mercy Ships, Drops Anchor
After a lifetime in West African ports, she's setting a new course at a landlocked Christian college.
What Sermon Illustrations Should Be Banned From Pulpits?
Not every story helps the preaching moment. Three views.
How It Feels to Love and Hate a Sex Offender
Abusers’ families are secondary victims, left to reconcile their conflicting emotions.
33 Under 33
Meet the Christian leaders shaping the next generation of our faith.
Mythbusting for Foster Parents
Thousands of American kids need foster homes. Don’t let misconceptions keep you from helping.
Are Pastors’ Homes That Different?
Church and state rally to defend $700 million tax break.
A New (and Old) Worldview Divides China's Christians As Communism Fades
Is Confucianism a rival religion? A moral system ripe for integration?
Tied Up in Our Own Preferences
How fear, not prayer, led us to choose sterilization… and regret it.
Sinister Tips for Mission Trips
What the devil may be up to as churches sally forth.
To Publish a Predator
What the regrettable Leadership Journal post reminds us about the nature of sexual abuse.
The Surprising Gift of Work
How Costco gave my brother the dignity we all need--A guest post by Chris Horst.
It's Never Too Late to Become a Great Dad
Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly has an encouraging message for fathers: You’re not defined by your past.
Why I Blogged About Our Miscarriage
And how I learned that oversharing brings us together.
Should Christians Support Reparations for African Americans?
Some thought on collective sin, responsibility, and healing.
Baptizing the Dora Generation: Why Preschooler Faith Is So Controversial
Southern Baptist leaders would rather ‘the only consistently growing group in baptisms’ be shrinking.
The Reality of Ruth and Billy Graham
A new biography highlights both their virtues and their flaws.
Why ‘God and the Gay Christian’ Is Wrong About the Bible and Same-Sex Relationships
Matthew Vines rehashes older arguments for a modern audience. But those arguments still don’t square with Scripture.
Should Christians Stop Studying the Teachings of Fallen Pastors?
Demand for sermons can stay strong even after the preacher's moral failure.
The Spirit's Work of Ignorance
When you’re about the only white man in a sea of black faces, you learn strange things. A dispatch from the Hampton Ministers' Conference.
The Christian Call to Say 'You're Welcome'
How we respond to thanks matters.

Top Story June 27, 2024

Inflamed Passions, Itching Ears, and Other Pitfalls to Avoid While Watching Presidential Debates
Inflamed Passions, Itching Ears, and Other Pitfalls to Avoid While Watching Presidential Debates
How Christians can navigate the Trump-Biden showdown with discernment and love for neighbor.

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