Church Life+Ministry

The Great Baby Commission
One of Africa’s fastest-growing churches wants to expand by having as many children as possible.
The Best Way to Use Music in Church
The key to biblical worship: Let everyone sing!
When Should an Overseas Missionary Pay a Bribe?
Widespread corruption presents ethical dilemma for outreach. Four views.
NRB Forces Out WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers Over Sister Imprint's 'Gay Christian' Book
Member employees can't work on 'unbiblical material, regardless of the label.'
Brotherly Love: Christians and Male-Female Friendships
We relate to the opposite sex in the best source of community we know, the church.
Bonhoeffer Against the World
How did a young man with no apparent power become a hero of the faith? A new biography explains.
Should Christian Colleges Let Female Faculty Teach Men the Bible?
A Christian college changes its mind.
Matt Chandler, the Preacher Stung by Joy
The young Reformed pastor is supposed to take the Acts 29 Network to the ends of the earth. Why he may be just the man to do it.
Not All Older Christians Want to Be Your Mentor
How I grew to see mentorship as an honor rather than a burden.
175 Leaders Urge U.S. Support in Christianity's Historical Heartland; Egyptian Churches Not So Sure
Middle East Christians appreciate prayers, but political action brings mixed feelings.
Family Planning Through a Global Lens
The developing world requires us to look at contraception as a pro-life cause.
Do Evangelicals Have Room for Prophets?
Canon Andrew White lives dangerously for God. Why we need more leaders like him.
Andrew White: Being Jesus in the Kill Zone
Amid Baghdad’s daily carnage, 2014 Wilberforce Award winner models reconciliation to Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
A World Vision for Church and Parachurch
Why the organizations that come alongside must also lead.
The Good News About Bad Churches
They're broken and messy. But God is remaking them in his holy image.
The Polygamy Bill Dividing Kenya's Christians
Churches call bill unbiblical, but Christian politicians push it through.
Arguing Against the 'Argument Culture'
Tim Muehlhoff discusses the art of civil, Christlike conversation.
Six Ways Single Christians Can Help the Orphans
You don't have to be a parent to care for children in need.
Are Spontaneous Baptisms Healthy for the Church?
Steven Furtick's Elevation Church holds spontaneous baptisms. Experts weigh in on the practice.
The Trouble with Touchy-Feely Faith
A historian explores the sappier side of evangelical life.

Top Story June 21, 2024

‘First of Its Kind’: A Jesus Film for the Deaf Community
‘First of Its Kind’: A Jesus Film for the Deaf Community
A new movie from Deaf Missions tells the gospel story in American Sign Language.

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