Church Life+Ministry

Meet the Failed Pastor Who Ministers to Other Failed Pastors
J. R. Briggs sympathizes with church leaders who don't live up to expectations.
How to Avoid the Church's 'Hero Culture'
Chuck DeGroat reveals his strategy for spiritual health while ministering to difficult people.
Why Pastors Should Preach About Body Image
Our obsession with appearance has theological ramifications for both women and men.
6 Crowdfunding Myths for Christians to Consider
Online fundraising can be a great ministry resource… if done right.
Four Questions I Have About Transgender Identity
Struggling to love my neighbors in grace and truth.
Should Pastors Stop Saying, 'the Bible Says'?
Andy Stanley challenges one of Billy Graham’s favorite phrases. Experts weigh in.
Andy Stanley: Assume People Are Biblically Illiterate (But Not Dumb)
The North Point pastor says the way we teach Scripture can undermine evangelism.
Finding Hope for an Often-Fatal Genetic Disorder
Rather than hide in pain, trisomy 18 parents take to the web to celebrate life.
My Bright Sadness
Coaching an urban youth swim team requires deeper capacities for sadness and hope.
Secondhand Suffering: The Grief We Often Overlook
As the church rallies in times of tragedy, let’s also help the helpers.As the church rallies in times of tragedy, let’s not forget to help the helpers.
An Explosion of Joy
What it means to be the apostolic church.
Good Sex Comes to Those Who Wait?
Hook-up sex v. married sex: A warning about incentivizing abstinence with personal pleasure.
It Takes More Than a Swank Coffee Shop to Reach Millennials
Journalist-author Naomi Schaefer Riley sorts out what will draw young adults back to the faith.
Faith Unsettled
Pushing beyond the easy-believism of evangelicalism.
Carys Parker, Raised Entirely Aboard Mercy Ships, Drops Anchor
After a lifetime in West African ports, she's setting a new course at a landlocked Christian college.
What Sermon Illustrations Should Be Banned From Pulpits?
Not every story helps the preaching moment. Three views.
How It Feels to Love and Hate a Sex Offender
Abusers’ families are secondary victims, left to reconcile their conflicting emotions.
33 Under 33
Meet the Christian leaders shaping the next generation of our faith.
Mythbusting for Foster Parents
Thousands of American kids need foster homes. Don’t let misconceptions keep you from helping.
Are Pastors’ Homes That Different?
Church and state rally to defend $700 million tax break.

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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