Church Life+Ministry

Multiculturalism Beyond Photo Ops and Potlucks
An interview with reconciliation scholar Dominique Gilliard.
Have Babies, Just Not Yet
Resisting pressure to "make something of yourself" before motherhood.
Racial Reconciliation 2.0
We are all called to the work of reconciliation. A guest post by Rudy Carrasco
The Broken Beauty of the Global Church
Tim Keesee reports from places where persecuted Christians live with suffering and joy.
Just Because the Door is Open Doesn't Mean I'm Welcome Here
Every church makes assumptions. It helps to acknowledge them. A guest post by Kathy Khang.
Bankruptcy Helped Me Love My Neighbor
How one pastor found himself caught up in the mortgage crisis. A guest post by Troy Jackson.
Confessing My Racism
How forgiveness could transform us all. A Guest post by Anna Broadway.
33 Under 33, Continued
Your recommendations for Christian millennials to watch.
In Christ, There Are No Racial Stereotypes
A call for evangelical leadership in racial reconciliation. A guest post by Michael McBride
Evangelical in Mormon Territory
How being in the religious minority inspired me to listen and learn.
Why I Stayed in a Predominantly White Church
Sacrificing comfort, gaining unity. A guest post by Trillia Newbell.
Go Ahead, Say the Wrong Thing
Never say, ‘never say’: How our lists and language rules may be over-the-top.
Model Minorities: Welcome to the Church
But stay away from our daughters. A guest post by Romesh Wijesooriaya
Introducing My Blog Series on Race
A dozen women and men have contributed essays related to racial reconciliation in the evangelical church.
No Such Thing as 'Other People's Problems'
How the church can help develop a 'we' culture for the next generation.
Hey, Christian Youth: It Gets Better
Why have the perks of faithful adulthood become our best-kept secret?
The Church Deserves Better than Ugly Decorations
Neither Granny’s castoffs nor HGTV trends belong in church buildings.
Three Views: Would Jesus Hang Out in a Strip Club?
Testing the boundaries of outreach evangelism.
Why Singles Belong in Church Leadership
Unmarried ministers offer a unique understanding of devotion to Christ alone.
Not Another Charity Case
Violence against women calls for an immediate, institution-wide response from Christians.

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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