
Churches Split Over Constitution
Muslim power, social unrest are key issues in the debate.
Admissions: Rejected
Christian school sues University of California over requirements.
Anglicans 'Severely Wounded'
At a top summit in Egypt, conservatives call for a Scripture-affirming covenant.
Praise for U.K. 'Hate' Bill Changes
House of Commons still could pass law many fear would curb preaching.
Rita's Punch Strains Gulf Churches
Following Katrina, relief efforts overwhelmed by second flood of evacuees.
Purpose Driven in Rwanda
Rick Warren's sweeping plan to defeat poverty.
Compromise' Settles Nothing
ELCA assembly opens door to same-sex blessings.
I Was a Stranger
Ministry in the Astrodome and beyond.
Amid the Evacuees
How churches in Houston, among other cities, began picking up the pieces.
Houston's Religious Communities Scramble to Help Evacuees
"We're in this thing for the long haul" without government money, church leaders warn.
Christians Raise Ministry Profile
Celebration 2005' offers service as low-key witness.
Court Decision Worries Churches
Kelo puts religious property at risk.
I Now Pronounce You Husband and Husband
Homosexual marriage now legal; pressure feared.
Pilgrims' Mixed Progress
At least UCC's 'Jesus is Lord' resolution encourages evangelicals.
Democrats Seek Extreme Makeover
Pro-lifers want to slash nation's abortion rate.
'Violence Gets All of the Attention'
Evangelical Yank activists complain about being upstaged by London bombings.
No Overt Discrimination'
Air Force Academy cleared, but some faulted for insensitivity.
Design Film Sparks Angst
Under fire, Smithsonian disavows presentation on Intelligent Design.
Billy Does It Again
New York celebrates Graham's enduring importance.
Ultrasound Quieted
House hesitates on sonograms.

Top Story July 27, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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