Politics+Current Affairs

Was the Bush Faith-Based Initiative a Failure?
'In Jos We Are Coming Face to Face in Confrontation with Satan'
The Anglican Archbishop of Jos speaks out on last week's deadly attacks and the media coverage that followed.
He's No Ted Kennedy
Pro-life groups celebrate Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts and rally against a Planned Parenthood center in Houston.
The Truth About the Religious Violence in Jos, Nigeria
It's not easy to state who started it or how many died. But the horror for those affected is clear.
More Human Smoke Rises in Jos
This week's deadly riots struck home for the academic dean of ECWA Theological Seminary.
Helping Haiti Heal
Food for the Hungry explains the challenges it faces before it can begin to help Haiti recover from the earthquake.
Haitian Shockwaves
In a week full of political fights over same-sex marriage, groups pause to raise funds for Haiti relief efforts.
Religious Self-Profiling
Identifying one's faith on online social networks proves challenging for some.
Hope for the 'Most Voiceless' on the Planet
A human rights lawyer, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and two world-class surgeons are rallying evangelicals to defeat fistula.
Jesus and the Unclean Woman
How a story in Mark's gospel sheds light on the problem of obstetric fistula.
Land and Building Wars
A handful of parishes win the right to keep their property, but legal experts don't know if their cases are setting a precedent.
What Is Today's Greatest Moral Issue?
It may not top the list for evangelical leaders, but sports made the front page for political groups this week.
Christian Retailers Seek Federal Probe of Competitors
CBA asks Justice Department to investigate pricing by larger companies.
Stunned by Stupak
A surprise House ban on abortion funding reveals pro-life gains.
Orphans on Deck
Adoption steps to the front lines of the culture wars.
Welcome the Exceptional
Churches that embrace people with disabilities do more than they imagine.
'Health Care King Herod Would Love!'
Advocacy groups wrap up an unusually busy Christmas season and prepare for 2010.
The Cross and the Court
Unraveling the Supreme Court's tangled view of public crosses.
A More Social Gospel
Campus ministries swap pizza for compassion.
Political Prayers and Petitions
As political rhetoric focused on evil and injustice this week, prayer seemed to be the strategy of choice.

Top Story July 22, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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