Politics+Current Affairs

Love of Unimaginable Proportions
What to do when you find yourself praying to the quid pro quo god.
Health Care Reform's Final Round?
Sojourners and Evangelicals for Social Action fight for "health care justice"; other groups urge starting over. Plus, conservatives grow frustrated by libertarians and coddlers of killer whales.
Are Evangelicals Doing a Good Job at Racial Integration?
Church leaders and observers weigh in on a current debate.
'Hunger Can Be Conquered'
And, says former Wall Street Journal reporter Roger Thurow, churches have a crucial role to play.
Robert Park's North Korea Mission
A 28-year-old missionary was reportedly inspired by the martyrdom of Robert Jermain Thomas.
New Conservative Manifesto
Conservatives sign a statement on their shared values; plus, the American Family Association raises eyebrows over its discussion of Muslim soldiers, capital punishment, and Pepsi.
A Proverbs 31 Woman
Eve Nunez speaks up for children who cannot speak for themselves.
Where It's Hardest to Believe
Charting the world's worst persecutors.
Less Aid for AIDS?
Groups fear impact of Obama administration's PEPFAR stance.
I Want to Be Accepted As I Am, But I’ll Take a Cure Too
Why we should consider correcting disabilities.
Tebow Ad Scores With Pro-Life Groups
Pro-life groups cheer for surprisingly subtle Focus on the Family Superbowl ad. Plus, talk about Haiti's foreign debt, gays in the military, immigration, and recommendations from Planned Parenthood.
Considering 'Curing' Down Syndrome with Caution
Why we shouldn't be too quick to think disabilities need correcting.
Listen, Then Speak
Uganda's anti-gay bill is making cross-cultural relations more complex than ever.
State Department: Now's Not the Time for Haitian Adoptions
Official says first priority should be placing Haitian children with Haitian families.
Casting Too Wide a Net
Ministries protest proposed finance reform.
FRC, AFA Say Gay Sex Should Be a Crime
The debate over antisodomy laws moves from Uganda back to the U.S. Also: Groups debate immigration reform, abstinence education, and Scott Roeder.
Faith Equals Action
To White House Fellow Adam Taylor, the math is simple.
Strong on Zeal, Thin in Knowledge
Lessons from Haiti's arrest of American Christians trying to take children out of the country.
The State of the Union is Frustrating
The President's first State of the Union address disappointed some conservative advocacy groups who hoped he would strike a bipartisan tone.
Carl Henry Was Right
Christianity Today's first editor grasped what I as a young theologian failed to understand about church involvement in social justice.

Top Story July 22, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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