Politics+Current Affairs

The GOP War Chest Malfunction
Groups react to the nightclub spending spree. Plus: some attack pro-life Democrats even as Christian leaders sign "Covenant for Civility."
The Robert Park Puzzle
Korean-Americans reluctant to discuss arrest and release of missionary who entered North Korea.
Politics vs. Persecution
Push for Iran sanctions concerns missiologists.
Health Care Reform Enacted—Now What?
Activists react to the new health care law and reignite a movement for immigration reform. Plus, Glenn Beck tells 2.5 million viewers that Jim Wallis believes in "the devil's way."
Born Again … Again
In my ministry of racial reconciliation, I had to move from a culture of effort to a culture of grace.
Confession Clash
Flagship college cited for faculty faith statement.
Covert Operation
Video leads to abortion clinic's probation.
Stupak: From Prolife Groups' Hero to Villain 'In a Nanosecond'
Groups say executive order is not enough, and will campaign against the Michigan Democrat they had promised to support.
Migrating Focus
After Congress's health care vote, activists see a revival of interest in immigration reform.
Glenn Beck, FRC Shift Aim From 'Social Justice' to Jim Wallis
Meanwhile, Land and Mohler dismiss broadcaster's earlier comments as "nonsense."
Taking Stock
Funds expand faith-based investing.
Reclaiming St. Patrick's Day
But if we are to choose a social issue for March 17, what would it be?
Fight Between Erskine College and Its Denomination Will Head to Court
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church fired board members, alleging mission drift.
When Caesar Renders
Romanian Baptists dissent over accepting government funds.
Getting the Story
Why journalism is not just a profession for us.
Practically Theological
How churches are teaching doctrine—and finding eager participants.
Glenn Beck: 'Leave Your Church'
Advocacy groups respond to the conservative commentator's call to leave churches that promote social justice. Plus, reactions to health care in the House and gay rights in Virginia.
Obama's Spiritual Cabinet
The President looks to seven men and women to shape policy, tend his soul.
Jesus Ball in Slovakia
GoodSports reaches a culture suspicious of Christians by teaching kids how to hit an inside pitch.
Reforming Immigration
Samuel Rodriguez, James Hoffmeier, and David Skeel chart the best road to approach 'the stranger.'

Top Story July 22, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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