Politics+Current Affairs

My Top 5 Books on Orphan Care
Picks from Jedd Medefind, president, the Christian Alliance for Orphans.
Churches Adopt Adoption
Churches are getting real about adoption's challenges—and helping families after the child arrives.
Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! God Save This Honorable Court
Political activists focused on Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings even as the Supreme Court ruled on an important religious liberty case.
Adoption Is Everywhere
Even God is into it.
Why Every Christian Is Called to Support Adoption
Abba changes everything.
Green Plus Christian Isn't New Math
How concerned Christians should be about environmental care.
Reforming Health Care Reform
How states are blocking abortion coverage.
Christian Legal Society Loses in Supreme Court Case
Group must allow leaders who disagree with its statement of faith.
Obama Celebrates Gay Pride Month
This week's culture war flashpoints: Father's Day and Home Depot.
Pastor at Center of Jamaica Crime Controversy Charged
Some see Fellowship Tabernacle's Al Miller as hero who ended a drug war. Police say he broke the law.
Mixed Blessings
Love offerings prove taxing.
A Protestant-Less Supreme Court: Does it Matter?
Observers weigh in on a Supreme Court without Protestants.
A Combustible Faith
How politics and religion forged Christian orthodoxy. A review of Philip Jenkins' latest book 'Jesus Wars.'
Graceful Justice
Gideon Strauss was shaped by growing up in apartheid-era South Africa.
'Freedom of Worship' Worries
New religious freedom rhetoric within the Obama administration draws concern.
Who Are Americans?
What Christians contribute to the search for a national identity.
When Abortion Funding Doesn't Fund Abortion
Political advocacy groups focused their attention on a report that the federal government gave money to organizations that perform abortion.
Ethnic Violence Buffets Kyrgyz Christians
Unrest in southern Kyrgyzstan undercuts hopes for evangelism boom under new government.
Grenade Attacks Were Govt. Plot, Say Kenyan Churches
Six dead, 80 injured at prayer rally protesting revised constitution.
Information Overload
Disclosure laws take on crisis pregnancy centers.

Top Story July 22, 2024

Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
International undergraduates were part of many schools’ plans for sustainability. A new government rule changes that.

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