Politics+Current Affairs

Faith-Based Fracas
From the White House to the courthouse, the battle escalates over whether Christian groups have the right to employ only Christians.
Peter Singer's Swan Song
Bioethicist asks: 'Why don't we make ourselves the last generation on earth?'
WWJD to BP and the EPA?
The oil spill is the top major issue for some political groups, while other groups fought the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases.
From Informant to Informer
The "son of Hamas" senses God in his life before coming to Christ.
Should We Always Back Israel?
The killing of activists on a ship to Gaza reignites debate over support for Israel and its policies.
Learning from the Gores about the Grace of Separation
Why separating can be pro-family.
Judgment in the Gulf
Woes and blessings of the oil spill.
Groups Battle Over 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'
Some conservative organizations are attempting one last push back in their fight to keep gays and lesbians from openly serving in the military.
Don't Shoot the Messenger
What all Christians can learn from the Catholic Church abuse scandal.
Glenn Beck's Gospel
Some evangelicals support Beck's view of salvation and social justice. Others see the Fox News commentator as 'a danger to true evangelical theology.'
Asylum Surprise
Decision for home-schoolers pushes persecution boundaries.
Obama's AIDS Dilemma
White House funding priorities determine who will live and who will die.
Who is Elena Kagan?
Political activist groups don't know much about the Supreme Court nominee, but they still had plenty to say about her.
Doug Coe's Vision for the Fellowship
The man behind the National Prayer Breakfast explains his original intent for his organization.
Arizona's Border Crisis
Why Christians should oppose the state's new immigration law.
6 Catholics, 3 Jews
Does it matter that there might soon be no Protestants on the Supreme Court?
Elena Kagan's Past Leaves Little Trail
President Obama's Supreme Court nomination has walked a political tightrope.
Moroccan Crackdown
Expulsion of Christians surprises missiologists.
Same Sex, Different Marriage
Many of those who want marriage equality do not want fidelity.
Dobson and Dobson
"Doctor" returns to the radio as his wife's National Day of Prayer takes center stage.

Top Story July 22, 2024

Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
International undergraduates were part of many schools’ plans for sustainability. A new government rule changes that.

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