Politics+Current Affairs

Are American Evangelicals Stingy?
Observers discuss whether Christians are generous enough with their money.
Living the Love
Part II of the Cape Town Commitment spells out what the Lausanne Movement's theological manifesto means for the practice of ministry and mission.
Q & A: Tim Pawlenty on Evangelicals and the Issues
The former governor of Minnesota has announced his presidential candidacy. Here's CT's earlier interview on issues like cap & trade, foreign policy, and whether evangelicals have influence in the Republican Party anymore.
Conviction and Civility
We should not lose this moment for moral reflection and renewal.
The Lazy Slander of Pro-Lifers
Do pro-lifers care only for life inside the womb?
Filling the Dad Gap
John Sowers addresses the root of many social ills.
Bhutan Budges
Buddhist nation will likely legalize Christianity.
Give to Street People?
Christian thinkers weigh in on whether Christians should always give money to people on the street who ask for it.
Pro-life Challenges, from a Former Planned Parenthood Director's View
Abby Johnson takes her eight years of experience in an abortion clinic to the pro-life side.
Southern Sudanese Head to Polls
Vote may lead to freedom from repressive government in Khartoum.
Sudan Vote to Test Obama's Approach
As Sudan prepares to vote on an independence referendum, one of the President's point men is also an evangelical.
Sudan's Politics of Prayer
If there were ever a time for intercession in international affairs, this is it.
Constructing Peace
One Olympic athlete's efforts to build relationships between Sudan's Christians and Muslims.
The Rush to Reconcile
Are peacemaking efforts in Sudan enough to prevent violence if the South votes for independence?
A Developing Nation Inside the U.S.
The forgotten rural poor face desperate challenges.
A God-Sized Food Bank
The Big Reach Center of Hope offers a lifeline to Ohio's rural poor.
Alissa Wilkinson: Every Square Inch
The writer and editor seeks the redemption of all creation.
Resist the TSA?
Observers discuss whether Christians should resist airport body scans and pat-downs.
Interview: Condoleezza Rice's Faith Context for Foreign Policy
How faith guided the former secretary of state's life from the segregated South to dictating the nation's foreign policy.
The Lost Virtue of Courtesy
It doesn't necessarily "get better."

Top Story July 23, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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