Politics+Current Affairs

Polling Evangelicals: Not Pro-Union, but Split Over Unions Versus Government
A Pew Research Center survey suggests evangelicals have the lowest favorability toward government employee unions of any religious group.
The Curse of Blasphemy Laws
An upsurge of democracy should bring religious freedom to the Muslim world.
Pope Benedict XVI Points Fingers on Who Killed Jesus
Jews bear no collective guilt for crucifixion, he says.
Illegal Immigrants in the Church?
Christian thinkers weigh in on what churches should do about meeting the sojourner.
Bricks and Moratoriums: Zoning Out Churches
Economy impacts churches' battles to build.
How Said Musa's Case Got Attention (Updated: Musa Released from Prison)
Christian leaders had drawn attention to his case after he had been sentenced to death.
Q & A: Bobby Jindal on his Vision
Louisiana's governor talks about his conversion and policy priorities.
Q & A: Mike Huckabee on Faith, Social Issues, and a Possible Run
Huckabee speaks with CT on issues like immigration and the environment, the faith of politicians, and a possible presidential candidacy.
Polling Evangelicals: Cut Aid to World's Poor, Unemployed
A Pew Research Center survey suggests evangelicals prefer the government spend on schools, the military, and police.
Sex Economics 101
Mark Regnerus, the early-marriage sociologist, shares his latest research on young adults' sexual attitudes and behavior.
No Place Like a House
Affordable units help Middle Eastern Christians stay put.
'Religicide' in Iraq
Fatal attacks trigger exodus of Christians from major cities.
Tough Grace: Clear and Consistent on Sexual Standards
Consistency means not singling out those with same-sex orientation. The same standard should apply to all.
Egypt's Christians After Mubarak
They were protesting a church attack when the Tahrir Square demonstrations began. Political change likely won't undo deep tensions with Muslims.
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Gospel of Christ
Why Egypt's Christians might actually be safer if the Muslim Brotherhood were a part of the ruling government.
Egyptian Christians Reflect on Moment in History
Born and baptized in blood, the Church in Egypt is hardly a newcomer to hardship, notes Egypt's Anglican bishop.
How to Teach Sex
Seven realities that Christians in every congregation need to know.
The United States Needs an Ambassador for Religious Freedom Now
The Obama administration must send a clear signal to Egypt and the Middle East that they must embrace religious freedom in full.
Egyptian Christians Join Calls for Reform
Protests enter second week as Mubarak resists ouster.
That Hideous Bible? C.S. Lewis Bible Kicks Up Gender Protest
A petition suggests that the New Revised Standard Version would be at odds with C.S. Lewis’s convictions.

Top Story July 23, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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